Page 81 - Sibu water board Final Cover
P. 81
(Total no. of complaints received in the
CS1/1: No. per 1000 accounts of compliants period concerned / Total no. of
received 5
accounts in the same period) x 1000
CS1/2: No. per 1000 properties of complaints (Total no. of complaints received in the
Complaints Received received relating to reliability of supply ( i.e. on period concerned / Total no. of 1.3
quality, continuity & pressure ) accounts in the same period) x 1000
CS1/3: No. per 1000 properties of complaints (Total no. of complaints received in the
relating to account payments, billing errors and period concerned / Total no. of 0.1
overcharging / undercharging accounts in the same period) x 1000
CS2/1: No of complaints that are resoloved (No. of complaints that are resolved
a. within 1 day within the respective time fram for the 100.0%
Complaint Response/Resolution b. within 2 days period concerned / Total no. of 100.0%
c. within 5 days compliants concerned in the same 100.0%
c. within 10 days period) x 100% 100.0%
CSS3/1: % of NS connections installed after fee
payment No. of NS connections installed within
within 2 day the respective time frame/Total no. of 47.7%
within 4 days NS Application X 100% 93.0%
within 7 days 100.0%
CSS3/2/1: % of requested disconnections done No. of requested disconnections done
New Service (NS) Connections & Disonnections/ a. within 1 day within the respective time frame/Total 85.2%
Reconnections b. within 2 days no. of disconnections requested x 93.6%
c. within 3days 100% 100.0%
CS3/2/2 % of requested reconnections done No. of requested reconnections done
within the respective time frame/Total
a. within 1 day no. of reconnections requested x 85.7%
b. within 2 days 100% 92.5%
c. within 3days 100.0%
OP1/1: No. of accounts per meter reader No. of accounts / No. of meter readers 4,731
Meter Reader Efficiency
OP1/2: No. of accounts actually read/ billed per No. of accounts actually read/billed /
meter reader No. of meter readers 4,731
Staff Cost for period concerned /
OP2/1:Staff cost per cu. m water produced (RM) Volume of water produced for same 0.15
Staff Efficiency OP/2/2: No. of accounts per employee No. of accounts / No. of employees 371
OP/2/3: Water produced per employee (m ) 3 Volume of water produced for period 24,770
concerned / No. of employees
Cost of electricity & fuel for whole
OP3/1: Organisation Energy cost per cu. m water organisation / Volume of water 0.11
produced (RM)
Energy Efficiency produced
OP3/2: Production Energy cost per cu. m water Cost of electricity & fuel for 0.09
produced (RM) production / Volume of water produced
Chemical Efficiency OP/4: Chemical cost per cu. m water produced Cost of chemical/Volume of water 0.04
OP5 Non Revenue Water Volume of NRW for period concerned /
OP5/1: % of total volume produced Total volume delivered from the plant x 35%
100 %
Volume of NRW for period concerned/
OP5/2: Volume (litres) per connection per day (Total no. of connections x No. of 752
NRW days)
Volume of NRW for period concerned/
OP5/3: Volume (m ) per km of mains per day (Total no. of km of mains x No. of 38
OP5/4: Infrustructure leak index ILI = CARL/UARL 18