Page 109 - Sarawak-Visitors-Guide-2014v1
P. 109
Borneo’s most challenging extreme sport event, as Baram Regata - Venue: Batang Baram, Marudi - Date:
an internaional line-up of base jumpers atempt sot 3 - 5 October - Contact Marudi District Oice, www.
landings from Sarawak’s tallest building.
First held in 1899 as an alternaive to headhuning, this
Muli-Cultural Mooncake Fesival - Venue: Carpenter is one of Sarawak’s oldest and most historic regatas.
St & Main Bazaar, Kuching - Date: Mid-September (P)
- Contact Sarawak Tourism Board. Baleh Kapit Rat Safari - Venue: Batang Baleh, Kapit
In typically Sarawak fashion, the Chinese community Division - Date: 3 - 5 October. Contact Kapit Resident’s
extend their mid-autumn fesival and fesiviies to all Oice,
races with a 4-day street party in Old Kuching. Sarawak’s original adventure race, as compeing
teams rat down the mighty Baleh River to Kapit. New
Borneo Internaional Kite Fesival - Venue: Bintulu - paricipants always welcome.
Date: 2 - 5 October - Contact Bintulu Development
Authority, Christmas - Venue: Countless homes and churches
Watch and learn how the professionals build and ly throughout Sarawak - Date: 25 December.
their kites at this major internaional kite fesival. Enjoy open house with Sarawak’s muli-denominaional
Chrisian community. This is an excellent ime to visit
Asia Music Fesival: Venue: Eastwood Valley Golf & rural villages and longhouses.
Country Club, Miri - Date: 3 - 4 October. Contact
Sarawak Tourism Board, Pesta Benak (Tidal Bore Fesival) - Venue: Batang Kupar,
The irst music fesival in the region to combine Asian Sri Aman - Date: To be conirmed - Contact Sri Aman
tradiional, contemporary, rock and pop performers Resident’s Oice,
together at a single venue. A fesival to celebrate the Lupar’s famous idal bore.
Aciviies include suring and wave-riding compeiions,
water sports and nightly entertainment.
Visitors wishing to remain in Sarawak for more than a Agency ( knows the state extremely
few weeks have plenty of opions to choose from. Most well as he is a researcher and co-author of this guide.
naionaliies will be granted a 90-day stay on arrival
and this can easily be extended a further 90 days on There are no restricions on foreigners rening property
applicaion to the Immigraion Department, more than for the short or long term and very few restricions on
adequate for making the State your winter or summer buying houses, apartments and investment properies,
retreat. If you want to setle here permanently or wish providing these are over RM 300,000 (US$ 100,000
to come and go as you like, the Malaysia My Second approx.). Some far-sighted developers are beginning
Home programme (MM2H) provides a long-term to target properies for MM2H paricipants, such as
muliple entry visa with other advantages, including the Naim Group, which ofers suitable properies
duty-free car import privileges. Further details on in Kuching, Bintulu and Miri. If you are looking to
MM2H Sarawak are available from the Ministry of buy an exising property, make sure it is properly
Tourism Sarawak, If you conveyanced by a local solicitor. If you are interested
are interested in the MM2H Sarawak programme but in a new property, choose a developer with a strong
prefer some assistance in scouing property, arranging record of imely compleion and make sure they are a
sponsorship and doing the paperwork, contact one of licensed member of the Sarawak Housing & Real Estate
the licensed MM2H agents. Mr Sivanesan of Blueport Developer Associaion (
an internaional line-up of base jumpers atempt sot 3 - 5 October - Contact Marudi District Oice, www.
landings from Sarawak’s tallest building.
First held in 1899 as an alternaive to headhuning, this
Muli-Cultural Mooncake Fesival - Venue: Carpenter is one of Sarawak’s oldest and most historic regatas.
St & Main Bazaar, Kuching - Date: Mid-September (P)
- Contact Sarawak Tourism Board. Baleh Kapit Rat Safari - Venue: Batang Baleh, Kapit
In typically Sarawak fashion, the Chinese community Division - Date: 3 - 5 October. Contact Kapit Resident’s
extend their mid-autumn fesival and fesiviies to all Oice,
races with a 4-day street party in Old Kuching. Sarawak’s original adventure race, as compeing
teams rat down the mighty Baleh River to Kapit. New
Borneo Internaional Kite Fesival - Venue: Bintulu - paricipants always welcome.
Date: 2 - 5 October - Contact Bintulu Development
Authority, Christmas - Venue: Countless homes and churches
Watch and learn how the professionals build and ly throughout Sarawak - Date: 25 December.
their kites at this major internaional kite fesival. Enjoy open house with Sarawak’s muli-denominaional
Chrisian community. This is an excellent ime to visit
Asia Music Fesival: Venue: Eastwood Valley Golf & rural villages and longhouses.
Country Club, Miri - Date: 3 - 4 October. Contact
Sarawak Tourism Board, Pesta Benak (Tidal Bore Fesival) - Venue: Batang Kupar,
The irst music fesival in the region to combine Asian Sri Aman - Date: To be conirmed - Contact Sri Aman
tradiional, contemporary, rock and pop performers Resident’s Oice,
together at a single venue. A fesival to celebrate the Lupar’s famous idal bore.
Aciviies include suring and wave-riding compeiions,
water sports and nightly entertainment.
Visitors wishing to remain in Sarawak for more than a Agency ( knows the state extremely
few weeks have plenty of opions to choose from. Most well as he is a researcher and co-author of this guide.
naionaliies will be granted a 90-day stay on arrival
and this can easily be extended a further 90 days on There are no restricions on foreigners rening property
applicaion to the Immigraion Department, more than for the short or long term and very few restricions on
adequate for making the State your winter or summer buying houses, apartments and investment properies,
retreat. If you want to setle here permanently or wish providing these are over RM 300,000 (US$ 100,000
to come and go as you like, the Malaysia My Second approx.). Some far-sighted developers are beginning
Home programme (MM2H) provides a long-term to target properies for MM2H paricipants, such as
muliple entry visa with other advantages, including the Naim Group, which ofers suitable properies
duty-free car import privileges. Further details on in Kuching, Bintulu and Miri. If you are looking to
MM2H Sarawak are available from the Ministry of buy an exising property, make sure it is properly
Tourism Sarawak, If you conveyanced by a local solicitor. If you are interested
are interested in the MM2H Sarawak programme but in a new property, choose a developer with a strong
prefer some assistance in scouing property, arranging record of imely compleion and make sure they are a
sponsorship and doing the paperwork, contact one of licensed member of the Sarawak Housing & Real Estate
the licensed MM2H agents. Mr Sivanesan of Blueport Developer Associaion (