Page 105 - Sarawak-Visitors-Guide-2014v1
P. 105
SIMILAJAU NATIONAL PARK frequently come ashore to lay their eggs at Golden
Beach and the two Turtle Beaches closer to the park
Introducion HQ. There are also occasional landings by hawksbill
and leatherback turtles. All marine turtles are Totally
Similajau Naional Park showcases the unique Protected Animals in Sarawak and anyone found
geographical features of the Sarawak coastline north of tampering with a nest is liable to a heavy ine and/or a
Bintulu - a chain of golden sandy beaches, punctuated jail sentence. Other marine visitors include ive species
by small rocky headlands and jungle streams, and of dolphin that are occasionally seen, usually between
bordered by dense green forest. The 8,996 hectare March and September – the Irrawaddy dolphin, the
park is at its best during the dry season (approximately botlenose dolphin, the Indo-paciic humpback dolphin,
February to October) when the emerald green waters the inless porpoise dolphin and the pantropical
are crystal clear and ideal for swimming. The park is spoted dolphin.
very popular with locals at weekends. If you want to
avoid the crowds, visit during the week when you are Treks & Trails
likely to have the park all to yourself. The main trekking trail (red markings) follows the
Natural Atracions coastline of the park; from the park HQ you irst
cross the Sungei Likau suspension bridge to reach the
Similajau’s litoral fringe, kerangas (or heath forest) plankwalk over the mangroves, from where you have
and mixed dipterocarp forest provide a variety of two choices - to follow the plankwalk to the start of
diverse habitats for a wide range of fascinaing species. the trail proper, or take a short on the let at the very
In amongst its pitcher plants, mangroves and giant beginning of the plankwalk; a wooden ladder leads
dipterocarp trees, Similajau is home to 24 species of down to a secondary trail which joins the main trail
mammals, including long-tailed macaques, gibbons, near the juncion for the Viewpoint Trail. This leads to
banded langurs, shrews, mouse deer, barking deer, a shelter with picnic tables looking back to the beach
squirrels, wild boar, porcupine, and civet cats. It is also a and park HQ. From shortly ater the viewpoint turn-of,
birdwatcher’s paradise, with 185 species of birds having the main trail hugs the coastline and passes numerous
been recorded within the park’s boundaries. small bays and beaches, eventually (1½ - 2 hrs) reaching
three idyllic beaches - two turtle beaches each set in
Similajau is also home to two crocodile species. The beauiful bays, and the aptly named Golden Beach with
estuarine or saltwater crocodile (crocodylus porousus) its long, unbroken stretch of sand.
lives near the river mouths of the larger rivers in the
park and feeds on small mammals, lizards, turtles, A good way to get the most out of Similajau is to hire
ish and water birds. It has also been known to atack a boat and be dropped of at Golden Beach and then
humans at other locaions in Sarawak and in Australia. trek back to the HQ (or vice versa). Boats can be hired
There are no known cases of crocodiles atacking for half day and full day coastal and river tours, or for
visitors at Similajau, but to be on the safe side visitors crocodile spoing tours at night. Enquire at the park HQ
are advised to take note of the crocodile warning for details.
signs. Please do not atempt to wade across the larger
streams in the park, but use the bridges instead. Upon arrival visitors are required to register at the Park
Similajau’s other crocodile species is the harmless false HQ (Tel: 086-391284). Next to the registraion counter
gharial (tumistoma schlegii), which feeds exclusively on there is a good informaion centre. The Park HQ also
ish. Crocodiles are more easily spoted at night, and has a canteen which serves drinks, snacks, lunch and
the Park HQ can arrange crocodile spoing boat trips evening meals.
for visitors.
Accommodaion consists of Types 4, 5 and 6 Forest
Prehistoric-looking horseshoe crabs can oten be found Lodges (RM 238, RM 159 & RM 79.50) a Hostel (RM
on the beaches or in the shallows, and green turtles 42.50 per 4-bed room or RM 15.90 per bed) and a
Campsite (RM 5.25). For accommodaion bookings
contact the Naional Parks booking oice in Miri. Early
booking is advised if you are visiing at weekends, public
holidays or school holidays. Barbecue pits are provided
for visitors wishing to prepare their own meals.
Travel Connecions: Similajau is approximately 30
km northeast of Bintulu town. There is no public bus
service to the park. The taxi fare from Bintulu town is
RM 50 each way - arrange a ime with the driver to pick
you up. Alternaively you may charter a fast boat from
Bintulu Wharf (rates negoiable), a somewhat more
expensive but enjoyable opion.
Beach and the two Turtle Beaches closer to the park
Introducion HQ. There are also occasional landings by hawksbill
and leatherback turtles. All marine turtles are Totally
Similajau Naional Park showcases the unique Protected Animals in Sarawak and anyone found
geographical features of the Sarawak coastline north of tampering with a nest is liable to a heavy ine and/or a
Bintulu - a chain of golden sandy beaches, punctuated jail sentence. Other marine visitors include ive species
by small rocky headlands and jungle streams, and of dolphin that are occasionally seen, usually between
bordered by dense green forest. The 8,996 hectare March and September – the Irrawaddy dolphin, the
park is at its best during the dry season (approximately botlenose dolphin, the Indo-paciic humpback dolphin,
February to October) when the emerald green waters the inless porpoise dolphin and the pantropical
are crystal clear and ideal for swimming. The park is spoted dolphin.
very popular with locals at weekends. If you want to
avoid the crowds, visit during the week when you are Treks & Trails
likely to have the park all to yourself. The main trekking trail (red markings) follows the
Natural Atracions coastline of the park; from the park HQ you irst
cross the Sungei Likau suspension bridge to reach the
Similajau’s litoral fringe, kerangas (or heath forest) plankwalk over the mangroves, from where you have
and mixed dipterocarp forest provide a variety of two choices - to follow the plankwalk to the start of
diverse habitats for a wide range of fascinaing species. the trail proper, or take a short on the let at the very
In amongst its pitcher plants, mangroves and giant beginning of the plankwalk; a wooden ladder leads
dipterocarp trees, Similajau is home to 24 species of down to a secondary trail which joins the main trail
mammals, including long-tailed macaques, gibbons, near the juncion for the Viewpoint Trail. This leads to
banded langurs, shrews, mouse deer, barking deer, a shelter with picnic tables looking back to the beach
squirrels, wild boar, porcupine, and civet cats. It is also a and park HQ. From shortly ater the viewpoint turn-of,
birdwatcher’s paradise, with 185 species of birds having the main trail hugs the coastline and passes numerous
been recorded within the park’s boundaries. small bays and beaches, eventually (1½ - 2 hrs) reaching
three idyllic beaches - two turtle beaches each set in
Similajau is also home to two crocodile species. The beauiful bays, and the aptly named Golden Beach with
estuarine or saltwater crocodile (crocodylus porousus) its long, unbroken stretch of sand.
lives near the river mouths of the larger rivers in the
park and feeds on small mammals, lizards, turtles, A good way to get the most out of Similajau is to hire
ish and water birds. It has also been known to atack a boat and be dropped of at Golden Beach and then
humans at other locaions in Sarawak and in Australia. trek back to the HQ (or vice versa). Boats can be hired
There are no known cases of crocodiles atacking for half day and full day coastal and river tours, or for
visitors at Similajau, but to be on the safe side visitors crocodile spoing tours at night. Enquire at the park HQ
are advised to take note of the crocodile warning for details.
signs. Please do not atempt to wade across the larger
streams in the park, but use the bridges instead. Upon arrival visitors are required to register at the Park
Similajau’s other crocodile species is the harmless false HQ (Tel: 086-391284). Next to the registraion counter
gharial (tumistoma schlegii), which feeds exclusively on there is a good informaion centre. The Park HQ also
ish. Crocodiles are more easily spoted at night, and has a canteen which serves drinks, snacks, lunch and
the Park HQ can arrange crocodile spoing boat trips evening meals.
for visitors.
Accommodaion consists of Types 4, 5 and 6 Forest
Prehistoric-looking horseshoe crabs can oten be found Lodges (RM 238, RM 159 & RM 79.50) a Hostel (RM
on the beaches or in the shallows, and green turtles 42.50 per 4-bed room or RM 15.90 per bed) and a
Campsite (RM 5.25). For accommodaion bookings
contact the Naional Parks booking oice in Miri. Early
booking is advised if you are visiing at weekends, public
holidays or school holidays. Barbecue pits are provided
for visitors wishing to prepare their own meals.
Travel Connecions: Similajau is approximately 30
km northeast of Bintulu town. There is no public bus
service to the park. The taxi fare from Bintulu town is
RM 50 each way - arrange a ime with the driver to pick
you up. Alternaively you may charter a fast boat from
Bintulu Wharf (rates negoiable), a somewhat more
expensive but enjoyable opion.