Page 48 - Sarawak-Visitors-Guide-2014v1
P. 48
Korean Satok Road Food Stalls. Running from early evening
Seoul Garden, Blk 10, 3 Mile Commercial Centre. Tel unil abot 3 am, these stalls serve a variety of popular
Malay hawker dishes.
013-8009447. Take a taxi. Tumis, Taman Sri Sarawak. Tasty Malay meals, cakes
Goong (rear of Korean Products Store) and Koreana can and super-sweet desserts. Daily from 11 am - 10 pm.
both be found at Premier 101 Shopping Centre, Jln Tun
Jugah. Take a taxi. Malaysian
Late Night Eats These are place that are typically Malaysian but do not
represent any paricular ethnic cuisine.
Most restaurants in Kuching close at or before 10 pm.
Fortunately the late night eateries in the city centre Aroma Café, Jln Tabuan (opp. Borneo Hotel). The only
seem to congregate together in certain locaions. All Bidayuh restaurant in town serves tradiional kampung
are open unil 2 am unless otherwise stated. Around food for bufet lunch and a la carte dishes unil 10 pm.
Main Bazaar, the burger stall outside Singgahsana Atap Corner, 21 Bishopsgate. Cheap and tasty Malay,
Lodge does great home-made burgers and the Old Chinese, Thai and western dishes from breakfast unil
Bazaar Café serves western and local dishes. Jalan Ban early evening,
Hock, opposite the Tabuan Roundabout, ofers lok-lok, John’s Place, Jln Green Hill. Budget Malay and Chinese
noodles and Malay dishes at Lok Lok, pasta, burgers dishes plus in-house creaions. Their fried kway teow
and cakes at Twin Apple Café and barbecued pork has been featured on TV. 11 am - 2 pm, 6 pm - 1 am
from the stall behind Ruai Pub. The city end of Jalan Lok-Lok, 7D Jln Ban Hock. Serves lok-lok (id-bits on
skewers cooked steamboat-style), nasi lemak, laksa,
Padungan ofers grilled and roasted chicken dishes at ayam penyet and noodle dishes from 6 pm unil late.
RJ Ayam Bakar (Jln Abell), spicy Malaysian rice and Closed Sundays.
noodle dishes at Planet Sambal (60 Jln Padungan, open Old Bazaar Café, Leboh Wayang. Lok-lok, Malaysian and
24 hours), and Chinese noodle dishes at the Kapit Hotel Western dishes served unil 2 am.
Cofee Shop (open 24 hours). At the other end of Jalan Shack, 33 Jln Carpenter. Mostly Malay and tradiional
Padungan is Homecook Padungan, a bustling late night Sarawak dishes, 11 am - 11 pm.
cofee shop known for its Sarawak laksa. You can ind Singapore Chicken Rice (SCR), Jln Song Thian Cheok,
plenty of other late might eaing possibiliies in food branches throughout town. Generous porions of
centres throughout Kuching - taxi drivers will be happy chicken rice and other local dishes. 10 am - 9 pm.
to advise.
Middle Eastern
Malay Litle Lebanon, Japanese Building, Sarawak Tourism
Malay food served in Sarawak is generally not quite as Complex (Old Court House). Tel: 247523. A selecion of
spicy as that served in Peninsular Malaysia. There are Middle Eastern Cuisine and local Malaysian favourites.
not many speciically Malay food outlets in the city Choice of lavoured shisha available. 11.30 am - 3 pm,
centre, but most food courts and many cofee shops 6.30 pm - 10.30 pm. Closed Mondays. Branches at
have Malay food stalls. Adventurous gourmets can take Kuching Waterfront (Sarawak Steamship Building) and
a taxi or bas sewa to the Jln Semariang - Jln Santubong 360 Urban Resort.
area of Petra Jaya, where there are literally dozens of
small family-run Malay restaurants, mostly operaing Hubbaba’s Arabic Kitchen, 49 Jln Wayang. Kebabs,
from their own homes (early evenings only). freshly-baked pita bread, vegetarian meals, pizzas.
MSG-free. 10 am - 10 pm.
Rumah Hijau, 24 Jln Rubber. You can’t miss this bright
turquoise building that ofers probably the best Sarawak Specialiies
selecion of regional Malay food in town, including
ayem penyet, ayam percik and laksa Penang. There Sarawak laksa - a spicy noodle dish laced with
are also a few simple western dishes on the menu just beansprouts, shredded chicken and prawns in rich
in case you don’t do spicy. Good range of cakes and coconut gravy - is the great Borneo breakfast. Laksa
desserts too. Open 9 am - 11 pm. Tel: 016-5891947. can be found in many cofee shops and everyone in
There’s also a branch at Riveredge, Petra Jaya, handy Kuching has their favourite stall - two of the best in the
for the Satok Weekend Market. city centre are Chong Choon (Jln Abell, opp. Maybank),
and Choon Hui (Jln Ban Hock). Both are sold out by 11
Jubilee Restaurant, Jln India. Serves a range of Malay am. Further aield, the Golden Arches café at 3 Mile
curries and vegetable dishes and good roi canai. Roundabout, Madam Tang’s at Jln Petanak and Mom’s
Kubah Ria (see food centre lisings) ofers the widest Laksa at Jln Astana have a devoted following.
variety of Malay food in town. Laksa serves their much-loved breakfast in a kampung
Rom Orchid Garden (see page 36) ofers spicy Malay garden seing on Jln Paingan, Mon-Sat 6.30 - 10 am.
cuisine in a delighful kampung seing. 8 am - 10 pm daily. Kolo mee, egg noodles served with minced beef, pork
or chicken or thinly-sliced char siew (barbequed pork) is
Seoul Garden, Blk 10, 3 Mile Commercial Centre. Tel unil abot 3 am, these stalls serve a variety of popular
Malay hawker dishes.
013-8009447. Take a taxi. Tumis, Taman Sri Sarawak. Tasty Malay meals, cakes
Goong (rear of Korean Products Store) and Koreana can and super-sweet desserts. Daily from 11 am - 10 pm.
both be found at Premier 101 Shopping Centre, Jln Tun
Jugah. Take a taxi. Malaysian
Late Night Eats These are place that are typically Malaysian but do not
represent any paricular ethnic cuisine.
Most restaurants in Kuching close at or before 10 pm.
Fortunately the late night eateries in the city centre Aroma Café, Jln Tabuan (opp. Borneo Hotel). The only
seem to congregate together in certain locaions. All Bidayuh restaurant in town serves tradiional kampung
are open unil 2 am unless otherwise stated. Around food for bufet lunch and a la carte dishes unil 10 pm.
Main Bazaar, the burger stall outside Singgahsana Atap Corner, 21 Bishopsgate. Cheap and tasty Malay,
Lodge does great home-made burgers and the Old Chinese, Thai and western dishes from breakfast unil
Bazaar Café serves western and local dishes. Jalan Ban early evening,
Hock, opposite the Tabuan Roundabout, ofers lok-lok, John’s Place, Jln Green Hill. Budget Malay and Chinese
noodles and Malay dishes at Lok Lok, pasta, burgers dishes plus in-house creaions. Their fried kway teow
and cakes at Twin Apple Café and barbecued pork has been featured on TV. 11 am - 2 pm, 6 pm - 1 am
from the stall behind Ruai Pub. The city end of Jalan Lok-Lok, 7D Jln Ban Hock. Serves lok-lok (id-bits on
skewers cooked steamboat-style), nasi lemak, laksa,
Padungan ofers grilled and roasted chicken dishes at ayam penyet and noodle dishes from 6 pm unil late.
RJ Ayam Bakar (Jln Abell), spicy Malaysian rice and Closed Sundays.
noodle dishes at Planet Sambal (60 Jln Padungan, open Old Bazaar Café, Leboh Wayang. Lok-lok, Malaysian and
24 hours), and Chinese noodle dishes at the Kapit Hotel Western dishes served unil 2 am.
Cofee Shop (open 24 hours). At the other end of Jalan Shack, 33 Jln Carpenter. Mostly Malay and tradiional
Padungan is Homecook Padungan, a bustling late night Sarawak dishes, 11 am - 11 pm.
cofee shop known for its Sarawak laksa. You can ind Singapore Chicken Rice (SCR), Jln Song Thian Cheok,
plenty of other late might eaing possibiliies in food branches throughout town. Generous porions of
centres throughout Kuching - taxi drivers will be happy chicken rice and other local dishes. 10 am - 9 pm.
to advise.
Middle Eastern
Malay Litle Lebanon, Japanese Building, Sarawak Tourism
Malay food served in Sarawak is generally not quite as Complex (Old Court House). Tel: 247523. A selecion of
spicy as that served in Peninsular Malaysia. There are Middle Eastern Cuisine and local Malaysian favourites.
not many speciically Malay food outlets in the city Choice of lavoured shisha available. 11.30 am - 3 pm,
centre, but most food courts and many cofee shops 6.30 pm - 10.30 pm. Closed Mondays. Branches at
have Malay food stalls. Adventurous gourmets can take Kuching Waterfront (Sarawak Steamship Building) and
a taxi or bas sewa to the Jln Semariang - Jln Santubong 360 Urban Resort.
area of Petra Jaya, where there are literally dozens of
small family-run Malay restaurants, mostly operaing Hubbaba’s Arabic Kitchen, 49 Jln Wayang. Kebabs,
from their own homes (early evenings only). freshly-baked pita bread, vegetarian meals, pizzas.
MSG-free. 10 am - 10 pm.
Rumah Hijau, 24 Jln Rubber. You can’t miss this bright
turquoise building that ofers probably the best Sarawak Specialiies
selecion of regional Malay food in town, including
ayem penyet, ayam percik and laksa Penang. There Sarawak laksa - a spicy noodle dish laced with
are also a few simple western dishes on the menu just beansprouts, shredded chicken and prawns in rich
in case you don’t do spicy. Good range of cakes and coconut gravy - is the great Borneo breakfast. Laksa
desserts too. Open 9 am - 11 pm. Tel: 016-5891947. can be found in many cofee shops and everyone in
There’s also a branch at Riveredge, Petra Jaya, handy Kuching has their favourite stall - two of the best in the
for the Satok Weekend Market. city centre are Chong Choon (Jln Abell, opp. Maybank),
and Choon Hui (Jln Ban Hock). Both are sold out by 11
Jubilee Restaurant, Jln India. Serves a range of Malay am. Further aield, the Golden Arches café at 3 Mile
curries and vegetable dishes and good roi canai. Roundabout, Madam Tang’s at Jln Petanak and Mom’s
Kubah Ria (see food centre lisings) ofers the widest Laksa at Jln Astana have a devoted following.
variety of Malay food in town. Laksa serves their much-loved breakfast in a kampung
Rom Orchid Garden (see page 36) ofers spicy Malay garden seing on Jln Paingan, Mon-Sat 6.30 - 10 am.
cuisine in a delighful kampung seing. 8 am - 10 pm daily. Kolo mee, egg noodles served with minced beef, pork
or chicken or thinly-sliced char siew (barbequed pork) is