Page 53 - Sarawak-Visitors-Guide-2014v1
P. 53
Laino, Jln Borneo (opp. Hilton). Friendly corner pub of the anique and curio shops are scatered along
with live music at weekends. Main Bazaar and Carpenter Street, with a few in the
Mbar & Bistro at the Ranee, Main Bazaar. Reined, Padungan area. Whilst a few are laid out like elegant
low-key watering hole with excellent tuak, a strict no- galleries, most are crammed full with every possible
smoking policy and a pleasant courtyard out back for variety of Sarawakian bric-a-brac, and items from
smokers. Brunei, Kalimantan and Sabah. Well-established outlets
Old Bazaar Cafe, Leboh Wayang. Open-air café with a on Main Bazaar include Naive Arts, Nelson’s Gallery,
good selecion of beers. Happy hour from 3.30 pm. Rainforest, Sarawak House, Atelier Gallery and Arts
Rajang Lobby Lounge, Grand Margherita. Cosy lounge of Asia, all ofering quality aniques and handicrats at
bar, famous for its happy hour deals. Live music most reasonable prices..
evenings. Bartender mixes a near-perfect marini.
Sapphire, Jln Ban Hock. Friendly karaoke bar with
a mature clientele. The owner, a ine guitarist,
occasionally leads live karaoke sessions.
Shore, Jln Abell. Cocktail lounge cum sports bar with a
great selecion of beer and whiskies. Happy hour from
4 pm.
Staion One, Hills Shopping Mall terrace. Lounge bar Prices of handicrats are not always ixed so you may
with live music, mostly Chinese standards on weekdays have to bargain. If you have the ime it’s best to shop
and jazz at weekends. around and get a rough idea before buying. Certain
Tanju, Simpang Tiga (see page 40). The place to go for aniques require an export permit from the Sarawak
bargain cocktails, all at RM 15 (Wed RM 10). Also serves Museum. The more established shops can assist with
excellent tuak and exoic Dayak food. Occasional live this and with shipping arrangements (if required). Most
bands. art and crat shops close on Sundays. Note: Australian
Terminal 1, Jln Padungan Utara (of Jln Petanak) Large and New Zealand authoriies insist that wood and bone
party bar with live bands and DJ. handicrats are fumigated upon arrival.
Utopia, Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman. Popular new bar
with a very diverse crowd - entertainment ranges from Artrageously Ramsay Ong, 94 Main Bazaar. Showcases
acousic duos through salsa nights to hardcore DJs. the talents of Ramsay Ong, one of Malaysia’s leading
Victoria Arms , Merdeka Palace Hotel. English Pub painters, as well as a range of work from local and
featuring live bands. occasionally internaional arists. They also stock a
Zeus, Jln Padungan. Popular sports bar with separate ine selecion of prints, cards, handicrats and other
karaoke zone, live bands at weekends. collecibles.
The Third Mile area is teeming with Karaoke lounges, Kuching Waterfront Bazaar in the historic Sarawak
whose names seem to change on a weekly basis. The Steamship Building is open daily unil 10 pm, ideal for
only area in Sarawak where customers order beers by last minute git and souvenir shopping.
the case. There are also a few more up-market theme The Museum Shop & Café (Sarawak Museum New
bars in the Jalan Song area, especially around Brighton Wing) has a good selecion of unusual arts, crats and
Square. Take a taxi. souvenir items, as well as oicial Sarawak Museum
Cinemas Sarakraf Pavilion, 78 Jln Tabuan (see page 9). Art and
handicrats with a built-in “feel-good factor.” Crats are
guaranteed “made in Sarawak,” and the producers have
LFS Cineplex, Riverside Complex, next to Riverside
Majesic Hotel. Tel: 246199. Check local press for been fairly rewarded for their eforts. Branch at airport.
details. Tanoi House ofers ine songket texiles and crat items
MBO Cineplex, 2 Floor, Spring Shopping Mall. Tel: - see page 9.
421203. Sarawak Handicrat Centre, Round Tower, Sarawak
Star Cineplex, Level 9, Medan Pelita, top loor of the car Tourism Complex. Tel: 425652, Fax: 445311. www.
park on Wayang/Temple Street. Tel: 234077. Indoor showroom plus outdoor
stalls featuring top quality Sarawak handicrats, whose
SHOPPING authenicity is guaranteed by the Sarawak Crat Council.
Some of the items on sale are produced by the crat
Kuching is an excellent place to buy Borneo arts, crats demonstrators who showcase their skills here. Open
and curios. Paricular items to look out for are Iban Mon - Fri from 8.30 am to 5 pm (12 midday on Sat, Sun
pua kumbu and Malay songket (hand-woven texiles), and public holidays).
Pepper: Malaysia is a major producer and exporter of
Iban hornbill carvings (used in rituals) and silver
pepper, producing around 25,000 tonnes annually, of
jewellery, Bidayuh baskets, Orang Ulu beadwork and which 98% is grown in Sarawak. This valuable cash crop
woodcarvings, and Penan blowpipes and mats. Most
provides an important source of income for over 60,000
with live music at weekends. Main Bazaar and Carpenter Street, with a few in the
Mbar & Bistro at the Ranee, Main Bazaar. Reined, Padungan area. Whilst a few are laid out like elegant
low-key watering hole with excellent tuak, a strict no- galleries, most are crammed full with every possible
smoking policy and a pleasant courtyard out back for variety of Sarawakian bric-a-brac, and items from
smokers. Brunei, Kalimantan and Sabah. Well-established outlets
Old Bazaar Cafe, Leboh Wayang. Open-air café with a on Main Bazaar include Naive Arts, Nelson’s Gallery,
good selecion of beers. Happy hour from 3.30 pm. Rainforest, Sarawak House, Atelier Gallery and Arts
Rajang Lobby Lounge, Grand Margherita. Cosy lounge of Asia, all ofering quality aniques and handicrats at
bar, famous for its happy hour deals. Live music most reasonable prices..
evenings. Bartender mixes a near-perfect marini.
Sapphire, Jln Ban Hock. Friendly karaoke bar with
a mature clientele. The owner, a ine guitarist,
occasionally leads live karaoke sessions.
Shore, Jln Abell. Cocktail lounge cum sports bar with a
great selecion of beer and whiskies. Happy hour from
4 pm.
Staion One, Hills Shopping Mall terrace. Lounge bar Prices of handicrats are not always ixed so you may
with live music, mostly Chinese standards on weekdays have to bargain. If you have the ime it’s best to shop
and jazz at weekends. around and get a rough idea before buying. Certain
Tanju, Simpang Tiga (see page 40). The place to go for aniques require an export permit from the Sarawak
bargain cocktails, all at RM 15 (Wed RM 10). Also serves Museum. The more established shops can assist with
excellent tuak and exoic Dayak food. Occasional live this and with shipping arrangements (if required). Most
bands. art and crat shops close on Sundays. Note: Australian
Terminal 1, Jln Padungan Utara (of Jln Petanak) Large and New Zealand authoriies insist that wood and bone
party bar with live bands and DJ. handicrats are fumigated upon arrival.
Utopia, Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman. Popular new bar
with a very diverse crowd - entertainment ranges from Artrageously Ramsay Ong, 94 Main Bazaar. Showcases
acousic duos through salsa nights to hardcore DJs. the talents of Ramsay Ong, one of Malaysia’s leading
Victoria Arms , Merdeka Palace Hotel. English Pub painters, as well as a range of work from local and
featuring live bands. occasionally internaional arists. They also stock a
Zeus, Jln Padungan. Popular sports bar with separate ine selecion of prints, cards, handicrats and other
karaoke zone, live bands at weekends. collecibles.
The Third Mile area is teeming with Karaoke lounges, Kuching Waterfront Bazaar in the historic Sarawak
whose names seem to change on a weekly basis. The Steamship Building is open daily unil 10 pm, ideal for
only area in Sarawak where customers order beers by last minute git and souvenir shopping.
the case. There are also a few more up-market theme The Museum Shop & Café (Sarawak Museum New
bars in the Jalan Song area, especially around Brighton Wing) has a good selecion of unusual arts, crats and
Square. Take a taxi. souvenir items, as well as oicial Sarawak Museum
Cinemas Sarakraf Pavilion, 78 Jln Tabuan (see page 9). Art and
handicrats with a built-in “feel-good factor.” Crats are
guaranteed “made in Sarawak,” and the producers have
LFS Cineplex, Riverside Complex, next to Riverside
Majesic Hotel. Tel: 246199. Check local press for been fairly rewarded for their eforts. Branch at airport.
details. Tanoi House ofers ine songket texiles and crat items
MBO Cineplex, 2 Floor, Spring Shopping Mall. Tel: - see page 9.
421203. Sarawak Handicrat Centre, Round Tower, Sarawak
Star Cineplex, Level 9, Medan Pelita, top loor of the car Tourism Complex. Tel: 425652, Fax: 445311. www.
park on Wayang/Temple Street. Tel: 234077. Indoor showroom plus outdoor
stalls featuring top quality Sarawak handicrats, whose
SHOPPING authenicity is guaranteed by the Sarawak Crat Council.
Some of the items on sale are produced by the crat
Kuching is an excellent place to buy Borneo arts, crats demonstrators who showcase their skills here. Open
and curios. Paricular items to look out for are Iban Mon - Fri from 8.30 am to 5 pm (12 midday on Sat, Sun
pua kumbu and Malay songket (hand-woven texiles), and public holidays).
Pepper: Malaysia is a major producer and exporter of
Iban hornbill carvings (used in rituals) and silver
pepper, producing around 25,000 tonnes annually, of
jewellery, Bidayuh baskets, Orang Ulu beadwork and which 98% is grown in Sarawak. This valuable cash crop
woodcarvings, and Penan blowpipes and mats. Most
provides an important source of income for over 60,000