Page 68 - Sarawak-Visitors-Guide-2014v1
P. 68
museum and handicrats centre managed by the by Tun Cofee shops are located all over town, serving local
Jugah Foundaion. It houses a ine collecion of ethnic variaions on standard Sibu and Kuching noodle dishes,
arts and handicrats, heirloom jars, brass cannons and as well as economy rice (at lunchimes).
historical documents, and a collecion devoted to the Muslim food can be found at Malay stalls in many
life of the late Tun Jugah ak Barieng, Paramount Chief cofee shops, as well as Malindo Café in Harmony Mall,
of the Rejang Iban and one of Sarawak’s foremost Binggas Café in Jln Temenggong Jinggut, and the wide
independence leaders. Open Tue - Sun 10 am - 12 noon variety of food stalls at Taman Selera Empurau
and 2 pm - 4 pm. court (5 pm - late). One dish unique to Kapit is deep-
fried roi canai, which can be found at the Malay stall
The Civic Centre Museum next to the Lake Garden has on the 1st loor of the Gelanggang Kenyalang building.
an interesing set of exhibits on the ethnic groups of
the Rejang Basin, as well as some ine watercolours of Entertainment
riverside towns and villages, and a relief map showing all Nighlife in Kapit is focused around cofee shops and
the longhouses in the area. Open Tue - Sun 8 am - 5 pm. dozens of karaoke pubs. Many of these outlets are
Accommodaion dedicated to entertaining an all-male clientele, but
locals will know which are more family oriented and
Medium Class Hotels welcome female guests.
Greenland Inn , Lot 463-464 Jln Teo Chow Beng, Tel:
796388. Band B-C. Shopping & Essenials
Hotel Meligai, Lot 334 Jln Airport, Tel: 796611. www. Band B-C. Restaurant, music lounge, The main shopping centre is Kapit Square, where visitors
conference faciliies. can ind the post oice, essenial supplies, pharmacies
New Rejang Inn, Lot 104 Jln Teo Chow Beng, Tel: and medical clinics. There are also a number of banks
796600. Band B. with ATMs located around town. The lively Teresang
Market (wet market) on Jln Temenggong Jugah has a
Budget Hotels colourful selecion of stalls selling all kinds of exoic
Ark Hill Inn, Jln Penghulu Gerinang, Tel: 796168. Band jungle produce. For handicrats, try the market stalls,
A-B. as well as Sula Perengka and Lai Lai Handicrat on the
Dragon Inn, 467 Jln Teo Chow Beng, Tel: 797435. Band B. 1st loor of the nearby Gelanggang Kenyalang market
Dung Fang Hotel, Lot 510, Jln Temenggong Jugah, Tel: and Rozy Staionery (2 loor, MARA building). The
797799. Band A-B. Kapit Resident’s Oice has a comprehensive database
Fully Inn, 105 Jln Temenggong Jugah, Tel: 797366. Band of local cratspeople - email for a copy. If you would like
A-B. a tradiional Iban tatoo, check out Robert’s Tatoo Art,
Hiap Chiong Hotel, 33, Jln Temenggong Jugah, Tel: 1st loor Gelanggang Kenyalang (disposable needles are
796314. Band A-B. used). There are several cybercafés in town - cellular
Kapit River View Inn, 10 Jln Tan Sit Leong, Tel: 796405. phone connecions are either slow or voice only.
Band B.
Orchard Inn, 64 Jln Airport, Tel: 796325. Band B
Well Inn, 40 Jln Court, Tel: 706009. Band B Longhouses Near Kapit Town
For day visitors, the most conveniently located
Eaing Out longhouses are Rumah Bundong and Rumah Jandok ,
For a small town, Kapit has a great selecion of eaing tradiional wooden longhouses 10 km and 15 km from
town respecively. Visitors are also welcome to stay
places. Local river ish are a popular delicacy, especially overnight with local families. Vans leave regularly from
the hugely expensive empurau (Borneo masheer), Jln Airport, no introducion is required.
although more economical ish such as tapah and soon
hock are almost as tasty, as are the huge Rejang river Further aield, there are longhouses on the main Rejang
prawns. River, as well as the Baleh and the Mujong and their
tributaries. A homestay programme at Rumah Lulut on
Good air condiioned restaurants include Orchard the Sungai Tisa involves both tradiional and modern
Restaurant (64 Jln TIong Ung Hong, 9 am - 11 pm, longhouses. Rumah Garie on the Sungai Kain is famous
excellent local pork dishes), Chong Seng Restaurant for its pua kumbu, tradiional Iban woven texiles, and
(Jln Airport opp. Meligai Hotel, halal cuisine) and has even been accredited with the Japanese ‘G-mark’
Tekam Cafe (adjacent to Meligai Hotel, halal cuisine). for good design. Rumah George involves a boat ride
Local seafood can be found at Ah Kau Restaurant (Jln through the notorious Pelagus Rapids. Rumah Penghulu
Berjaya), and Hock Bing Seafood (of Jln Temenggong Jampi on the Baleh is the birthplace of the legendary
Jugah past Chinese temple). The Ung Tong Bakery on Iban warrior turned statesman Temenggong Koh.
Jln Airport is good for sandwiches, buns and coninental Rumah Bangkong on the Mujong is a very tradiional
breakfast. longhouse that is just staring to atract visitors.
Jugah Foundaion. It houses a ine collecion of ethnic variaions on standard Sibu and Kuching noodle dishes,
arts and handicrats, heirloom jars, brass cannons and as well as economy rice (at lunchimes).
historical documents, and a collecion devoted to the Muslim food can be found at Malay stalls in many
life of the late Tun Jugah ak Barieng, Paramount Chief cofee shops, as well as Malindo Café in Harmony Mall,
of the Rejang Iban and one of Sarawak’s foremost Binggas Café in Jln Temenggong Jinggut, and the wide
independence leaders. Open Tue - Sun 10 am - 12 noon variety of food stalls at Taman Selera Empurau
and 2 pm - 4 pm. court (5 pm - late). One dish unique to Kapit is deep-
fried roi canai, which can be found at the Malay stall
The Civic Centre Museum next to the Lake Garden has on the 1st loor of the Gelanggang Kenyalang building.
an interesing set of exhibits on the ethnic groups of
the Rejang Basin, as well as some ine watercolours of Entertainment
riverside towns and villages, and a relief map showing all Nighlife in Kapit is focused around cofee shops and
the longhouses in the area. Open Tue - Sun 8 am - 5 pm. dozens of karaoke pubs. Many of these outlets are
Accommodaion dedicated to entertaining an all-male clientele, but
locals will know which are more family oriented and
Medium Class Hotels welcome female guests.
Greenland Inn , Lot 463-464 Jln Teo Chow Beng, Tel:
796388. Band B-C. Shopping & Essenials
Hotel Meligai, Lot 334 Jln Airport, Tel: 796611. www. Band B-C. Restaurant, music lounge, The main shopping centre is Kapit Square, where visitors
conference faciliies. can ind the post oice, essenial supplies, pharmacies
New Rejang Inn, Lot 104 Jln Teo Chow Beng, Tel: and medical clinics. There are also a number of banks
796600. Band B. with ATMs located around town. The lively Teresang
Market (wet market) on Jln Temenggong Jugah has a
Budget Hotels colourful selecion of stalls selling all kinds of exoic
Ark Hill Inn, Jln Penghulu Gerinang, Tel: 796168. Band jungle produce. For handicrats, try the market stalls,
A-B. as well as Sula Perengka and Lai Lai Handicrat on the
Dragon Inn, 467 Jln Teo Chow Beng, Tel: 797435. Band B. 1st loor of the nearby Gelanggang Kenyalang market
Dung Fang Hotel, Lot 510, Jln Temenggong Jugah, Tel: and Rozy Staionery (2 loor, MARA building). The
797799. Band A-B. Kapit Resident’s Oice has a comprehensive database
Fully Inn, 105 Jln Temenggong Jugah, Tel: 797366. Band of local cratspeople - email for a copy. If you would like
A-B. a tradiional Iban tatoo, check out Robert’s Tatoo Art,
Hiap Chiong Hotel, 33, Jln Temenggong Jugah, Tel: 1st loor Gelanggang Kenyalang (disposable needles are
796314. Band A-B. used). There are several cybercafés in town - cellular
Kapit River View Inn, 10 Jln Tan Sit Leong, Tel: 796405. phone connecions are either slow or voice only.
Band B.
Orchard Inn, 64 Jln Airport, Tel: 796325. Band B
Well Inn, 40 Jln Court, Tel: 706009. Band B Longhouses Near Kapit Town
For day visitors, the most conveniently located
Eaing Out longhouses are Rumah Bundong and Rumah Jandok ,
For a small town, Kapit has a great selecion of eaing tradiional wooden longhouses 10 km and 15 km from
town respecively. Visitors are also welcome to stay
places. Local river ish are a popular delicacy, especially overnight with local families. Vans leave regularly from
the hugely expensive empurau (Borneo masheer), Jln Airport, no introducion is required.
although more economical ish such as tapah and soon
hock are almost as tasty, as are the huge Rejang river Further aield, there are longhouses on the main Rejang
prawns. River, as well as the Baleh and the Mujong and their
tributaries. A homestay programme at Rumah Lulut on
Good air condiioned restaurants include Orchard the Sungai Tisa involves both tradiional and modern
Restaurant (64 Jln TIong Ung Hong, 9 am - 11 pm, longhouses. Rumah Garie on the Sungai Kain is famous
excellent local pork dishes), Chong Seng Restaurant for its pua kumbu, tradiional Iban woven texiles, and
(Jln Airport opp. Meligai Hotel, halal cuisine) and has even been accredited with the Japanese ‘G-mark’
Tekam Cafe (adjacent to Meligai Hotel, halal cuisine). for good design. Rumah George involves a boat ride
Local seafood can be found at Ah Kau Restaurant (Jln through the notorious Pelagus Rapids. Rumah Penghulu
Berjaya), and Hock Bing Seafood (of Jln Temenggong Jampi on the Baleh is the birthplace of the legendary
Jugah past Chinese temple). The Ung Tong Bakery on Iban warrior turned statesman Temenggong Koh.
Jln Airport is good for sandwiches, buns and coninental Rumah Bangkong on the Mujong is a very tradiional
breakfast. longhouse that is just staring to atract visitors.