Page 71 - Sarawak-Visitors-Guide-2014v1
P. 71
sill in existence. The kelidieng or jerunei, a hollow Accommodaion
belian (Borneo ironwood) tree trunk decorated with All addresses are 96400 Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia.
ornate carvings, was used in ancient rituals to ward Telephone dialling code is +6084 from overseas and 084
of disasters. Should the community be threatened, within Malaysia.
a young maiden was placed inside the pole and given
only drinking water unil she inally passed away. This
sacriice would appease malicious or angry spirits and Dalat Inn , Lot 502 Dalat New Township, 96300 Dalat
thus avoid disaster. Interesingly, the cross in the altar (30km from Mukah). Tel: 864482. Band B.
of nearby St Bernard’s RC Church is also made in the Hotel Sarina , Lot 46 Jln Orang Kaya Seia Raja, Tel:
form of a kelidieng, to give Christ’s sacriice a Melanau 872655. Band B.
cultural context. Hotel Sri Umpang, 29 Jln Lintang, Tel: 872416. Band B.
King Ing Hotel, 1-2 Jln Boyan, Tel: 871400. Band B.
Just across from the church is one of the Melalnu Heatland’s Kingwood Hotel Mukah (3*) , Medan Seia Raja, 15
rare treats. Relax Corner is a muli-cultural open-air café mins walk from old town. Tel: 874996. Band C-D.
and watering hole where local Chrisians and Muslims Kingwood Resort Mukah (3*), Lot 96 Block 17, Mukah
sip their beer or cofee (according to faith) and exchange Land District, Tel: 873888. Band C-D. Located on
friendly banter with occasional visitors in a delighful beachfront 15 mins drive from Mukah.
riverside seing unil surprisingly late. Amongst the Mandarin Inn, 30-32 Jln Lintang, Tel: 872688. Band B.
new shophouses across the road from the riverfront Mukah Kaul Beach Resort, Km 4, Jln Mukah-Oya, Tel:
are a number of Chinese cofee shops, as well as Taku 871700. Band B (chalets).
Café, a Melanau restaurant serving tradiional dishes. Pantai Harmoni Beach Resort, Km 4, Jln Mukah-Oya,
Tel: 871010. Band B (chalets).
Between the few blocks of shophouses is a small clump Qintai Inn, 50 Jln Oya, Tel: 872872. Band B.
of nunok trees, which are believed to be the homes Sago Inn, Lot 485, Dalat New Township, 96300 Dalat (30
of animist spirits. Upon closer inspecion you can see km from Mukah), Tel 863779. Band B.
a number of tradiional animist, Bhuddist and Taoist Sea View Hotel, 1 MainBazaar, Tel: 871226. Band B
altars next to the trees. Weiming Hotel, 19 Main Bazaar, Tel: 872276. Band B.
The Dalat speedboat service is easily the most DOWNRIVER FROM SIBU
interesing way to reach the Melanau Heartland from
Sibu. Ater about an hour on the wide and stately SARIKEI
Batang Igan, the speedboat slows its engines and Sarikei, 122km by road from Sibu, is a bustling riverside
cruises through the narrow, tree-lined Sungai Kut,
town and a major transit point on the Pan-Borneo
stopping at picturesque water villages along the highway. However Sarikei’s real claim to fame is its
way before emerging at Dalat. See page 64. Onward importance as an agricultural centre; more than 80%
connecions to Mukah are by bus (RM3.20, bus staion of Sarawak’s pepper producion comes from Sarikei
behind Hiap Leong Mini Market) or the waiing taxis Division, and the area is justly famous for its sweet,
(RM 35) and vans (RM8). succulent pineapples, which thrive in the slightly acidic
OYA soil here.
15km downriver from Dalat is the iny township of Oya, Atracions
comprising a row of old wooden shophouses, a market, While the Pineapple
a picturesque ishing harbour, a decent beach and two Statue next to the express
Melanau villages. Take a van from Mukah (RM 8) or boat wharf pays tribute to
Dalat (RM 6). One of these villages, Kampung Senau, the town’s most famous
, where
has a very well run Homestay Programme export, visitors can see,
visitors can enjoy tradiional Melanau life and take taste and buy the real
part in tradiional aciviies such as ishing and sago thing at the nearby fruit
gathering, as well as boat trips and treks into the peat and vegetable market.
swamp forest. Contact the Fishermen’s Associaion This is located next to a
Mukah, Tel: 871416. small but colourful ish
Melanau Longhouse market, where chefs
and restauranteurs from
The last remaining Melanau longhouse , which sill Sibu make early morning
retains its tradiional structure, is located at Kampung pilgrimages to take their
Sok in the isolated Matu area. Visits can be arranged by pick of the fresh catch.
the Mukah Resident’s Oice, Tel: 872596. The small esplanade
belian (Borneo ironwood) tree trunk decorated with All addresses are 96400 Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia.
ornate carvings, was used in ancient rituals to ward Telephone dialling code is +6084 from overseas and 084
of disasters. Should the community be threatened, within Malaysia.
a young maiden was placed inside the pole and given
only drinking water unil she inally passed away. This
sacriice would appease malicious or angry spirits and Dalat Inn , Lot 502 Dalat New Township, 96300 Dalat
thus avoid disaster. Interesingly, the cross in the altar (30km from Mukah). Tel: 864482. Band B.
of nearby St Bernard’s RC Church is also made in the Hotel Sarina , Lot 46 Jln Orang Kaya Seia Raja, Tel:
form of a kelidieng, to give Christ’s sacriice a Melanau 872655. Band B.
cultural context. Hotel Sri Umpang, 29 Jln Lintang, Tel: 872416. Band B.
King Ing Hotel, 1-2 Jln Boyan, Tel: 871400. Band B.
Just across from the church is one of the Melalnu Heatland’s Kingwood Hotel Mukah (3*) , Medan Seia Raja, 15
rare treats. Relax Corner is a muli-cultural open-air café mins walk from old town. Tel: 874996. Band C-D.
and watering hole where local Chrisians and Muslims Kingwood Resort Mukah (3*), Lot 96 Block 17, Mukah
sip their beer or cofee (according to faith) and exchange Land District, Tel: 873888. Band C-D. Located on
friendly banter with occasional visitors in a delighful beachfront 15 mins drive from Mukah.
riverside seing unil surprisingly late. Amongst the Mandarin Inn, 30-32 Jln Lintang, Tel: 872688. Band B.
new shophouses across the road from the riverfront Mukah Kaul Beach Resort, Km 4, Jln Mukah-Oya, Tel:
are a number of Chinese cofee shops, as well as Taku 871700. Band B (chalets).
Café, a Melanau restaurant serving tradiional dishes. Pantai Harmoni Beach Resort, Km 4, Jln Mukah-Oya,
Tel: 871010. Band B (chalets).
Between the few blocks of shophouses is a small clump Qintai Inn, 50 Jln Oya, Tel: 872872. Band B.
of nunok trees, which are believed to be the homes Sago Inn, Lot 485, Dalat New Township, 96300 Dalat (30
of animist spirits. Upon closer inspecion you can see km from Mukah), Tel 863779. Band B.
a number of tradiional animist, Bhuddist and Taoist Sea View Hotel, 1 MainBazaar, Tel: 871226. Band B
altars next to the trees. Weiming Hotel, 19 Main Bazaar, Tel: 872276. Band B.
The Dalat speedboat service is easily the most DOWNRIVER FROM SIBU
interesing way to reach the Melanau Heartland from
Sibu. Ater about an hour on the wide and stately SARIKEI
Batang Igan, the speedboat slows its engines and Sarikei, 122km by road from Sibu, is a bustling riverside
cruises through the narrow, tree-lined Sungai Kut,
town and a major transit point on the Pan-Borneo
stopping at picturesque water villages along the highway. However Sarikei’s real claim to fame is its
way before emerging at Dalat. See page 64. Onward importance as an agricultural centre; more than 80%
connecions to Mukah are by bus (RM3.20, bus staion of Sarawak’s pepper producion comes from Sarikei
behind Hiap Leong Mini Market) or the waiing taxis Division, and the area is justly famous for its sweet,
(RM 35) and vans (RM8). succulent pineapples, which thrive in the slightly acidic
OYA soil here.
15km downriver from Dalat is the iny township of Oya, Atracions
comprising a row of old wooden shophouses, a market, While the Pineapple
a picturesque ishing harbour, a decent beach and two Statue next to the express
Melanau villages. Take a van from Mukah (RM 8) or boat wharf pays tribute to
Dalat (RM 6). One of these villages, Kampung Senau, the town’s most famous
, where
has a very well run Homestay Programme export, visitors can see,
visitors can enjoy tradiional Melanau life and take taste and buy the real
part in tradiional aciviies such as ishing and sago thing at the nearby fruit
gathering, as well as boat trips and treks into the peat and vegetable market.
swamp forest. Contact the Fishermen’s Associaion This is located next to a
Mukah, Tel: 871416. small but colourful ish
Melanau Longhouse market, where chefs
and restauranteurs from
The last remaining Melanau longhouse , which sill Sibu make early morning
retains its tradiional structure, is located at Kampung pilgrimages to take their
Sok in the isolated Matu area. Visits can be arranged by pick of the fresh catch.
the Mukah Resident’s Oice, Tel: 872596. The small esplanade