Page 12 - Tropical Peat Swamp Forests of Sarawak FA
P. 12
Regulation of hydrology tions, depending on microclimate and physical forests help to decrease the greenhouse efect, is considered a near endemic bird species of

Peat swamp forests share several physiologi- properties of the peat. Soil respiration rates gen- caused by excessive CO emission from fossil peat swamp forest. In addition, the blackwater
cal adaptations to regular looding such as stilt erally increase with increased levels of drainage fuel burning worldwide. Peat swamps not only rivers in Asian peatlands harbour a diverse and
roots, buttresses, pneumatophores and a thick, and degradation. At present, up to twenty times accumulate carbon, they also emit carbon in the unique ish fauna, with a high degree of local-
supericial root mat. These structures limit the as much carbon is stored underground in the form of methane (CH4), a potent greenhouse gas ised endemism of ish species. For example,
rate of surface water runof, guaranteeing a con- form of peat than above the ground in the veg- with a relative global warming potential 23 times about 55 species of peat swamp ish, of which
stant water supply to the peat dome. An intact etation. During the El Niño year 1997, 1 – 2.5 bil- that of carbon dioxide over a time horizon of 100 about 60% are stenotopic, are known from
peat dome thus acts forms a source of continu- lion tonnes of carbon, equal to 15 – 40% of the years. Nevertheless, methane emissions from Peninsular Malaysia. These include rare species,
ous water low to adjacent lower lying areas, annual global emissions from burning of fossil tropical peat swamp forests are limited (0.25- such as Encheloclarias, Bihunichthys, Betta and
maintaining high water tables in the surround- fuels, were released by peat swamp ires in In- 1.75 kg C yr-1) and its global warming potential Parosphromenu.
ings, even during extended dry periods. Peat donesia, resulting in signiicant health problems negligible.
domes consequently act as water reservoirs, in large areas of Southeast Asia, and the loss
supplying water for communities and agricul- of millions of work days, as well as signiicant The presence of moist peat swamp forests, and
tural crops. In the absence of these water storing impacts on tourism and the transport sector. the associated large mass of fresh water efects BOX II. Biodiversity in the peat
peat swamps, many coastal towns would sufer Most ires were set on purpose to clear forest, the climate on both micro and meso scale. The swamp forest
serious water shortages during drought periods. but became uncontrollable because of drought forests may act as wind break, and play a role in
Not less than twenty authorities obtain their conditions. Under dry conditions, peat ires may temperature and rainfall regulation. However, In Sarawak’s peat swamp forests 224 gen-
fresh water from peat domes, and it is estimated go underground and are extremely diicult to further studies are needed to establish these era and 389 species of lowering plants, 24
that they cater for about 70,000 people, or about extinguish. In the global economy, the value of relations in peat swamp forest. genera and 32 species of ferns and fern allies,
8% of the population in Sarawak. stored carbon is around € 20 per tonne (March and over 250 tree species have been identi-
2008). In the upcoming carbon trading market
The ability of peat domes to store water and the conservation of the undisturbed tropical Biodiversity ied. Among the trees, ramin (Gonystylus
moderate water low is also known to be im- peat-lands may form a signiicant source of The so-called “capturable biodiversity” value bancanus) is considered a peat swamp forest
portant in stabilising local water levels. During income. of peat swamp forests is estimated at $3 per endemic. Because of diminishing peat swamp
heavy rains the peat dome absorbs water and hectare per year. This is what local people can forest areas and overexploitation of ramin,
lets it out slowly during drier periods. Thus, peat Healthy, living peat swamp forests actively accu- extract from the forest as non-timber products the international community has now listed
is generally considered to be critical in reducing mulate carbon in both living biomass and peat. sustainably. This value does not include the ramin under the Convention on International
lood risks in surrounding areas. Rates of carbon accumulation in tropical peat intrinsic value of species, ecotourism potential,
swamp forests may range from 0.59-1.45 t C ha-1 or internationally marketed pharmaceuticals. Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
In coastal agricultural areas, the continuous yr-1. Hereby peat swamp The peat swamp forests of Southeast Asia fulil
stream of fresh water from the peat domes up- an important role as gene bank.
stream is not only the main source for irrigation Ecotourism
water, but the continuous fresh water wedge Their diverse lora and fauna and unique struc-
also prevents or mitigates salt water intrusion “The peat swamp forests ture makes peat swamp forests attractive for
during dry spells. sustainable touristic exploitation. Peat swamp
of Southeast Asia fulil an forests have an additional value as wilderness
Climate stabilisation increasingly important areas, i.e. remote areas that are hard to access
and are located far away from civilisation. This
Tropical peatlands are among the largest res- increases their potential as a popular destina-
ervoirs of biospheric carbon, and hence their role as gene bank” tion for ecotourism.
stability has important implications for climate
change. Globally tropical peat soils store about
70 billion tonnes of carbon, which is equal to Peat swamp forest provides an important habi-
11-14% of global peat soil carbon and 2% of tat for many animal species, especially in com- “Peat swamp forests, their
global soil carbon. South East Asian peatlands bination with fresh water or adjacent mangrove
store over 68 billion tonnes of carbon of which swamps. Peat swamp forests also constitute a natural products and wildlife
9 billion tonnes in Malaysia. The carbon stored habitat for many rare or endangered species.
in natural peat swamp forests may be rapidly Some 57 mammal and 237 bird species have play a substantial role
released to the atmosphere as CO by large scale been recorded in peat swamp forests, of which
drainage of the peat and peat ires. CO emis- 51% and 27% respectively are listed as glob- in the culture of the local
sions from oxidation and burning of tropical ally threatened species. Peat swamp harbours
peats are now recognized as a signiicant part Proboscis monkeys are endemic to peat swamp viable populations of the red banded langur communities of Sarawak”
of the global annual CO emission. Rates of peat forests and adjacent mangrove swamps. and the proboscis monkey as well as endemic
oxidation can be highly variable between loca- such as the hook-billed bulbul Setornis criniger

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