Page 15 - Tropical Peat Swamp Forests of Sarawak FA
P. 15
Social-cultural environment Unsustainable forest harvesting Peat ires

Peat swamp forests, their natural products and The conversion of peat swamp forest to other Unsustainable forest harvesting is a broad term Persistent environmental change, in particular
wildlife play a substantial role in the culture of land uses and the subsequent draining of peat that includes unregulated extraction of forest drainage and forest clearing, threatens the sta-
the local communities of Sarawak, and as such soils will alter and impair its hydrological func- products as well as degradationthrough the al- bility of tropical peatlands and enhances their
have a considerable social-cultural value. The tions. Depending on their extent, the impacts of teration of soil morphology and erosion. Based susceptibility to ire.
combination of all functions, attributes and these changes may be irreversible. Some major on the present land use patterns in Sarawak,
uses, makes peat swamp forests very interesting efects are: the development process is slowly turning the Fires in peat areas are unique in that they create
subjects for research and education. remaining peat swamp forest areas into frag- much more smoke per ha than ires in other
1. Greenhouse efect. After drainage, the vast mented, isolated and degraded forest pockets forest types, and are diicult to extinguish. The
Managing the non-timber forest products amount of carbon stored in peat will oxidise, with varying amounts of forest cover. main cause of forest ires is man’s negligence, or
sustainably, especially the plant species with and be released as carbon dioxide, thereby agricultural activities.
medicinal properties, should provide unique contributing to the greenhouse efect and Ramin was the dominant timber species in un-
opportunities for modern society to learn about subsequent climate change. The carbon diox- disturbed peat swamp forests in the 1950s, but Most peat ires occur between June and Septem-
traditional ethnobotany from local communi- ide emission from drained peatlands greatly has now been largely depleted. International ber, when the water tables are lowest. In recent
ties. Conservation of suicient areas of peat varies depending on the local biophysical concerns on the decline of Ramin has led to years transboundary haze from peat ires in
swamp forest ofers opportunities for the conditions. the listing on appendix II of the Convention neighbouring Indonesia causes serious prob-
younger generation to assimilate indigenous on International Trade in Endangered Species lems to the state of Sarawak as well as to Brunei
knowledge which may otherwise be lost. 2. Peat consolidation and subsidence. Because (CITES). This Appendix speciies that, before and Sabah. However, peat ire is not a serious
water and carbon escapes from the drained, being traded at the international market, Ramin problem in Sarawak as compared with Kaliman-
Threats to peat swamp forests oxidising peat soil, the peat soil shrinks, and must be harvested legally and at intensities tan.
the surface subsides. In some areas this soil
that are non-detrimental to the survival of the
Conversion of peatlands to agricultural land subsidence can proceed at an annual rate of species and to its role in the ecosystem. Sarawak
has now imposed on a low export quota for
several centimetres the irst few years after
Small scale conversion often happens to meet drainage. Such rapid soil subsidence often Ramin.
local demands, but large scale conversion is requires frequent adaptations in the drainage
linked to the process of globalisation. In many systems. This alters the topography, which
countries forests are opened up for modern may have severe efects on the runof patterns
agriculture or cattle raising for the international of water.
market. The high demand for hamburger meat
in the USA led to vast areas of the Brazilian rain- 3. Changes in hydrology of the surrounding
forest being converted for cattle ranching and area. The reduced capacity of the shrinking
soy bean production, to produce large amounts peat dome to store water may enhance the
of cheap meat. Similarly, in Indonesia, large risk of looding in the surrounding. There may
tracts of forest have been replaced by Acacia also be a reduction in the available runof for
mangium plantations for pulpwood production, domestic use, causing shortage of drinking
to meet the demand of the international paper water during dry spells.
market. The high demand for crude palm oil
has prompted Indonesia and Malaysia to open
up vast areas for oil palm plantations. This also Unsustainable hunting practises- ease of access
involves peat swamp forests. Ease of access is a double edged issue. While the
local people, who depend on the surrounding
“The conversion of peat forest for their sources of income and services,
consider access to natural resources important,
swamp forest to other land ease of access also brings about degradation to
forest ecosystems. The single greatest reason for
uses and the subsequent the dramatic decline in many animal popula-
tions in Asia, especially the larger animals, is
draining of peat soils will alter the increase in hunting pressure brought about
by ease of access into forest areas, for example
and impair its hydrological by logging roads penetrating into the previously
inaccessible interior.
functions.” Peat swamp endemic or specialist plants like the Pandanus andersonii H.St. John require high water table in
the peatland to survive.

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