Page 21 - Tropical Peat Swamp Forests of Sarawak FA
P. 21
The Maludam National Park:

preserving Sarawak’s largest

peat dome

Maludam National Park, with an area of 43,147 As the national park was oicially gazetted, the
ha was gazetted in May 2000. The gazetting as Maludam Project was initiated to:
a totally protected area (TPA) means that the 1. prepare a long-term strategy to sustain the
area will be accorded total protection from be- natural and environmental integrity of the
ing developed or future logging activities. 2. promote local community participation in the
management of the Park;
Maludam NP is situated in the Maludam pen- 3. prepare a site conservation management plan
insula, which comprises the largest intact peat in collaboration with relevant institutions
dome in northern Borneo. In spite of having and agencies, and;
been selectively logged over, it still represents 4. establish proper foundation for future spatial
the major peat swamp botanical formations. It planning and environmental management of
also contains the only viable population in the the area.
world of the highly endangered Red banded
Langur, and populations of the endangered The Maludam Project involved studies on wild-
endemic Proboscis Monkey, and at least ive spe- life, soils, hydrology, ecotourism, and in particu-
cies of hornbills. lar, promoted participation of the local com-
munities towards environmental conservation.
The results were used to draft and complete
a management plan, which aims at maximiz-
ing the beneits for local communities while
minimizing the impact of activities on the park.

Research transect
inside Maludam Red banded Langur - the only viable population in
National Park Geographical situation and overview of the the world is found at Maludam National Park. Photo
used for littertrap Maludam National Park area in Sarawak. credit: Wildlife Conservation Society, Sarawak.

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