Page 26 - Tropical Peat Swamp Forests of Sarawak FA
P. 26
Ramin: studying the key stone

commercial timber species of

mixed swamp forests

The Ramin Project, named after ramin lowering and fruiting even more unpredictable.
(Gonystylus bancanus – Thymelaeceae), a CITES The period from lowering to fruit development
listed peat swamp forest species highly in de- and ripening is about 3-4 months. Predation by
mand but also under threat, focused on issues birds, lying foxes and other mammals such as
squirrels occurs throughout the stages of fruit
related to the sustainable management of the development. The fallen seeds are also eaten
peat swamp forests (PSF) of Sarawak. Firstly, by tortoises and catish that inhabit patches
there were no representative areas of virgin of shallow stagnant water. Seed dispersed by
peat swamp forest for the preservation of the mammals was only taken a very short distance
original loral and faunal biodiversity for future from the mother tree, while water dispersed
reference. Secondly, large areas of peat swamp seed further. The germination rate of ramin
seeds was found to be higher at dryer sites than
forest are possibly in a state beyond regenera- at wetter sites. Light had a less strong but still
tion capacity, and the valuable ramin timber, signiicant efect, with germination rate increas-
for which there is still a strong demand, is now ing with more light.
largely depleted. Thirdly, threats to peat swamp
forest areas due to agri-conversion and conver-
sion to other land uses are real and pressing. Ramin saplings growing in an experimental nursery
at Sarawak Forestry

“Large areas of peat swamp

forest are possibly in a state Studies on ramin regeneration patterns showed
that ramin seedling densities were afected
beyond regeneration capacity, by light, soil moisture and nitrogen availabil-
ity. Soil moisture seemed especially critical to
and the valuable ramin population establishment and growth, with
growth being slower at logged and drained loca-
timber, for which there is still a tions. Also climbers were found to limit seedling
establishment and survival by competing for

saplings from competitions increased growth
The perennial strong demand, is now largely light, water and soil nutrients. Releasing ramin
rhizomatous herb and survival rates.
Hanguana depleted.”
malayana Jack An optimum area of the peat swamp forests in
(Merr.) is also Sarawak has to be maintained in order to sus-
found in Maludam Studies on the phenology of ramin indicate tain both the socio-economic beneits including
National park. It that lowering and fruiting are irregular and timber and non-timber forest products and other
grows up to 1-2 m infrequent. One heavy fruiting season may be environmental beneits of carbon storage, water
in height and is put followed by no fruiting or very light fruiting in regulation and supply, and biodiversity conser-
on the IUCN red the following years. This is believed to be partly vation. Autecological studies on ramin should
list of threatened due to the exhaustion of nutrient reserves in the still be continued within permanent sample
species. soil. Changes in macro- and microclimate make plots established within the Maludam National

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