Page 267 - Limbang_Book
P. 267
A Trip to Long Napir Driving on a muddy and slippery track needed all
the skills of a good driver. However, we had the
by almost confidence in our drivers who were
ABDUL GHAFUR SHARIFF * experienced in negotiating the ‘ulu’ highway.
The trip did not start as well as expected. We
It is a common saying amongst government had to wait several hours before our river party
officers in Limbang that if you haven’t been to arrived at Senayan bringing in our food supplies.
Long Napir then it can be regarded that your The inordinate delay was due to heavy rain and
service in Limbang District is incomplete. Such also to stoppages for ‘nyala’ i.e. catching fish with
a nagging saying indeed. To a perspicacious a casting net. Instead of proceeding to Nanga
administrator the saying can be considered as an Delong where we intended to put up a camp we
open-ended challenge. were coerced to stay the night at Senayan because
What is so special about a place named Long of the torrential evening rain. No camp was
Napir? I have been serving in Limbang District needed here because there was a convenient shed
for almost two years and a trip to Long Napir constructed on the side of the hill overlooking the
always eluded me in the past. When the right muddy Limbang River. At times I was confused
opportunity came I decided to make the long- by the sound of the rain hitting the zinc roof to
waited travelling itinerary to the Kelabit/Punan the shed and the sound of the river rapids. It was
territory. nature in unison.
In order to cut a riverine journey short we went As night fell a 300 kw generator provided the
by Land Rovers from Nanga Medamit to a point power for our neon bulbs which was our answer
in Ulu Limbang river called Senayan. During for the absence of power supply. We had fish
the overland journey we by-passed Lubok Lallang for our dinner. The waters of Ulu Limbang is
camp and Selidong. The place is accessible by natural source for freshwater fish namely semah,
land through the courtesy of Limbang Trading tengadak, kulong, temupong and the rare em-
Limited who owned the private road. Although a purau which sometimes weigh about seven kilos.
private road it is well-maintained. A Land Rover During the course of the night three pelandoks
is the most popular and the most practical means (mousedeers) were hunted down. A “kubong”
of conveyance on this rugged road and terrain. (flying squirrel) was also shot by ASP Risug.
* Abdul Ghafur, A Trip to Long Napir, Sarawak Gazette, 1985
Dahulu Terasing Kini Terjalin | 251
A Trip to Long Napir Driving on a muddy and slippery track needed all
the skills of a good driver. However, we had the
by almost confidence in our drivers who were
ABDUL GHAFUR SHARIFF * experienced in negotiating the ‘ulu’ highway.
The trip did not start as well as expected. We
It is a common saying amongst government had to wait several hours before our river party
officers in Limbang that if you haven’t been to arrived at Senayan bringing in our food supplies.
Long Napir then it can be regarded that your The inordinate delay was due to heavy rain and
service in Limbang District is incomplete. Such also to stoppages for ‘nyala’ i.e. catching fish with
a nagging saying indeed. To a perspicacious a casting net. Instead of proceeding to Nanga
administrator the saying can be considered as an Delong where we intended to put up a camp we
open-ended challenge. were coerced to stay the night at Senayan because
What is so special about a place named Long of the torrential evening rain. No camp was
Napir? I have been serving in Limbang District needed here because there was a convenient shed
for almost two years and a trip to Long Napir constructed on the side of the hill overlooking the
always eluded me in the past. When the right muddy Limbang River. At times I was confused
opportunity came I decided to make the long- by the sound of the rain hitting the zinc roof to
waited travelling itinerary to the Kelabit/Punan the shed and the sound of the river rapids. It was
territory. nature in unison.
In order to cut a riverine journey short we went As night fell a 300 kw generator provided the
by Land Rovers from Nanga Medamit to a point power for our neon bulbs which was our answer
in Ulu Limbang river called Senayan. During for the absence of power supply. We had fish
the overland journey we by-passed Lubok Lallang for our dinner. The waters of Ulu Limbang is
camp and Selidong. The place is accessible by natural source for freshwater fish namely semah,
land through the courtesy of Limbang Trading tengadak, kulong, temupong and the rare em-
Limited who owned the private road. Although a purau which sometimes weigh about seven kilos.
private road it is well-maintained. A Land Rover During the course of the night three pelandoks
is the most popular and the most practical means (mousedeers) were hunted down. A “kubong”
of conveyance on this rugged road and terrain. (flying squirrel) was also shot by ASP Risug.
* Abdul Ghafur, A Trip to Long Napir, Sarawak Gazette, 1985
Dahulu Terasing Kini Terjalin | 251