Page 265 - Limbang_Book
P. 265
Trusan Bazaar: hour for an old bus. The ride was very rough and
Images Before the Big fire dusty and the bus could only crawl in a speed of
by 20 mph, maneouvering big stones and potholes
along the way.
SANIB SAID * After spending my holiday in my village of
Kampung Ladang Baru, it was once again time
Once in two years I usually go back to my to enter the time warp in reverse. That day the
home town of Lawas from Kuala Lumpur where speedboat at Trusan left me behind and I had to
I have been working since 1976. With the right wait for a speedboat that plied to Limbang where
connecting flight starting at 7 am from Kuala I could catch any boat to Bandar Seri Begawan.
Lumpur by MAS to Singapore and later caught With two hours in hand I went up and down the
SIA flight to Bandar Seri Begawan, I managed creaking wooden five-foot way of Trusan Bazaar
to reach Trusan at 4 pm. It was an incredible or struck up conversation with some friendly
achievement to travel more than one thousand strangers. Another way of passing the time was
miles within a day. It was also like travelling into to make good use of my camera. I took four
a time warp: from a bustling ultra-modern city photographs of the bazaar.
of Kuala Lumpur to a languid one-row wooden A few weeks later I was shocked to hear from
town of Trusan (see photographs 1 and 2). RTM news (one of those rare occasions) that the
It was on 24th December, 1981, the same bazaar of Trusan was completely destroyed by a
wooden bazaar was still there to greet me. I had big fire. That old creaky wooden bazaar disappeared
passed this bazaar so many times. It was the only and took with it the memorable past. The few
place where I could quench my thirst after the photographs that I took are perhaps the only
hot journey across the Brunei Bay from Bandar surviving records of the last few weeks of Trusan
Seri Begawan. To go to Lawas I had to wait for an Bazaar.
Photograph No. 1
* Prof. Madya Datu Sanib bin Said, Trusan Bazaar Before e Big Fire, Sarawak Gazette, 1985
Dahulu Terasing Kini Terjalin | 249
Trusan Bazaar: hour for an old bus. The ride was very rough and
Images Before the Big fire dusty and the bus could only crawl in a speed of
by 20 mph, maneouvering big stones and potholes
along the way.
SANIB SAID * After spending my holiday in my village of
Kampung Ladang Baru, it was once again time
Once in two years I usually go back to my to enter the time warp in reverse. That day the
home town of Lawas from Kuala Lumpur where speedboat at Trusan left me behind and I had to
I have been working since 1976. With the right wait for a speedboat that plied to Limbang where
connecting flight starting at 7 am from Kuala I could catch any boat to Bandar Seri Begawan.
Lumpur by MAS to Singapore and later caught With two hours in hand I went up and down the
SIA flight to Bandar Seri Begawan, I managed creaking wooden five-foot way of Trusan Bazaar
to reach Trusan at 4 pm. It was an incredible or struck up conversation with some friendly
achievement to travel more than one thousand strangers. Another way of passing the time was
miles within a day. It was also like travelling into to make good use of my camera. I took four
a time warp: from a bustling ultra-modern city photographs of the bazaar.
of Kuala Lumpur to a languid one-row wooden A few weeks later I was shocked to hear from
town of Trusan (see photographs 1 and 2). RTM news (one of those rare occasions) that the
It was on 24th December, 1981, the same bazaar of Trusan was completely destroyed by a
wooden bazaar was still there to greet me. I had big fire. That old creaky wooden bazaar disappeared
passed this bazaar so many times. It was the only and took with it the memorable past. The few
place where I could quench my thirst after the photographs that I took are perhaps the only
hot journey across the Brunei Bay from Bandar surviving records of the last few weeks of Trusan
Seri Begawan. To go to Lawas I had to wait for an Bazaar.
Photograph No. 1
* Prof. Madya Datu Sanib bin Said, Trusan Bazaar Before e Big Fire, Sarawak Gazette, 1985
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