Page 55 - Sarawak-Visitors-Guide-2014v1
P. 55
Kayaking enthusiasts Ivy
Chin and Jackson Chan USEFUL INFORMATION
ofer a range of river
Kayaking Tours in the Banks & Money Changers: These centrally located banks
wider Kuching area. Some and money changers handle both travellers cheques and
of the most popular trips cash. Most banks open Mon-Fri 9.30 am - 4 pm.
are on the upper reaches Alfa Millions Money Changer, Lower Ground Floor,
of the Sarawak River near Plaza Merdeka Mall.
Bau. Kayak down jungle Alliance Bank, 178 Jln Chan Chin Ann.
streams and pass through Ambank, Lower Ground Floor, Plaza Merdeka Mall
some stunning upcountry scenery, whilst catching a CIMB Bank, Wisma Bukit Mata Kuching, Jln Tunku Abdul
glimpse of the life of the local Bidayuh communiies Rahman.
along the way. Contact Borneo Rainforest Trek & Kayak, Everrise Money Changer. Lot 199, Jln Padungan. Tel:
Tel: 013-8048338, 429354. Mon-Fri 10 am – 9 pm. Sat & Sun 10 am - 6 pm.
Hong Leong Bank, 122 Jln Song Thian Cheok.
A number of local operators ofer adventure caving Hong Xi Enterprise, Ground Floor, Tun Jugah.
HSBC Bank, Bangunan Binamas, of Padungan Road
and rock climbing trips (and combinaions of both) in (near Cat Statue).
the Bau and Serian areas. These include one-day caving Majid & Sons Money Changer, 45 Jln India. Mon-Sat 9
or climbing adventures and longer expediions that am - 7.30 pm Sun 9 am - 3 pm.
combine caving, climbing, 4x4 treks, jungle walks and Maybank, 13 Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman.
visits to Bidayuh villages. Beginner, intermediate and Mohamad Yahia & Sons, LGF3, Sarawak Plaza. 10 am - 9
advanced level aciviies are ofered and equipment and pm (closed Friday lunchime).
protecive clothing are supplied. Many of the trips are OUB Bank, 1 Jln Tun Haji Openg (corner of Main Bazaar).
suitable for beginners and do not require a high level Public Bank, 102 Jln Song Thian Cheok (behind Everrise).
of itness. Contact Kuching Caving (www.kuchingcaving. RHB Bank, 256 Jln Padungan (Cat Statue roundabout).
Standard Chartered Bank, Wisma Bukit Mata Kuching,
com), Borneo Adventure, Borneo Experiences or CPH Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman.
travel (see lisings on page 28)
Doctors, Denists & Hospitals: The Clinic on Main
Sarawak is essenially pioneer territory when it comes Bazaar (opp. Chinese History Museum) is excellent,
to Mountain Biking. However, a few local riders have well equipped, and very experienced in dealing
discovered some great trails just outside Kuching and with tourists’ ailments. There are a number of other
further aield. If you want to link up with local riders, good clinics around town. Consultaion and simple
contact the Kuching Bike Hash (see below) or WG medicaion is usually around RM 30-50. Names are not
Cycles, 36A, Nam Meng Building, Ban Hock Road. Tel: given for legal reasons. There are many good denists
238239. in town, and their charges for both emergency and
cosmeic work are low by world standards. Sarawak
Kuching City Hash: If your idea of fun is running through General Hospital, Jln Ong Kee Hui (Tel: 276666, CPL Bus
K6, K8, K10A, K17, K18), has a irst rate Accident and
humid jungle, geing covered in mud, sweat, bites and Emergency department - foreign visitors are charged
scratches (and enjoying a few drinks aterwards with RM50 for consultaion. A cash deposit, insurance card
your new friends), the Kuching Chapter of the Hash or credit card will be required for in-paient treatment -
House Harriers would love to hear from you. Harriers prices are low by internaional standards.
(Men Only) Tue 5.30 pm, Harrietes (Ladies Only) Kuching’s private hospitals are stafed by specialists and
Wed 5.30 pm, City Hash (Mixed) Sat 4.30 pm. Contact have a good reputaion both locally and internaionally.
Polycarp Teo Sebom (Tel: 019 8871017) or Jennifer Yap They include Normah Medical Centre, across river
(Tel: 411694). Cyclists should contact the Kuching Bike on Jln Tun Datuk Painggi (Tel: 440055, CPL Bus K5),
Timberland Medical Centre at 3 Mile Commercial
Hash (weekend rides only) at Centre (Tel: 234991, CPL Bus K3, K6, K10A, K18, B2), and
Kuching Specialist Hospital at Jln Seia Raja, Stutong
Scuba Diving: Although Kuching is not yet developed as (Tel: 365777, CPLBus K8). If you prefer a tradiional
a diving desinaion (unlike Miri in Northeast Sarawak, approach there are Chinese Physicians and Tradiional
gateway to the Luconia Shoals), there are a number of Massage Centres located all over town. Prices of
interesing dive sites within easy access of Kuching. For prescripion eyewear (both glasses and contact lenses)
further details contact CPH Travel (Tel: 243708, www. are a fracion of those charged in many other countries,, Kuching Scuba Centre (Tel: 485335, whilst the praciioners are of internaional standard. or Premier Dive & Scuba (Tel: Pharmacies: Many of Kuching’s smaller pharmacies
012-8892336, have been take over by major drugstore chains whose
Chin and Jackson Chan USEFUL INFORMATION
ofer a range of river
Kayaking Tours in the Banks & Money Changers: These centrally located banks
wider Kuching area. Some and money changers handle both travellers cheques and
of the most popular trips cash. Most banks open Mon-Fri 9.30 am - 4 pm.
are on the upper reaches Alfa Millions Money Changer, Lower Ground Floor,
of the Sarawak River near Plaza Merdeka Mall.
Bau. Kayak down jungle Alliance Bank, 178 Jln Chan Chin Ann.
streams and pass through Ambank, Lower Ground Floor, Plaza Merdeka Mall
some stunning upcountry scenery, whilst catching a CIMB Bank, Wisma Bukit Mata Kuching, Jln Tunku Abdul
glimpse of the life of the local Bidayuh communiies Rahman.
along the way. Contact Borneo Rainforest Trek & Kayak, Everrise Money Changer. Lot 199, Jln Padungan. Tel:
Tel: 013-8048338, 429354. Mon-Fri 10 am – 9 pm. Sat & Sun 10 am - 6 pm.
Hong Leong Bank, 122 Jln Song Thian Cheok.
A number of local operators ofer adventure caving Hong Xi Enterprise, Ground Floor, Tun Jugah.
HSBC Bank, Bangunan Binamas, of Padungan Road
and rock climbing trips (and combinaions of both) in (near Cat Statue).
the Bau and Serian areas. These include one-day caving Majid & Sons Money Changer, 45 Jln India. Mon-Sat 9
or climbing adventures and longer expediions that am - 7.30 pm Sun 9 am - 3 pm.
combine caving, climbing, 4x4 treks, jungle walks and Maybank, 13 Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman.
visits to Bidayuh villages. Beginner, intermediate and Mohamad Yahia & Sons, LGF3, Sarawak Plaza. 10 am - 9
advanced level aciviies are ofered and equipment and pm (closed Friday lunchime).
protecive clothing are supplied. Many of the trips are OUB Bank, 1 Jln Tun Haji Openg (corner of Main Bazaar).
suitable for beginners and do not require a high level Public Bank, 102 Jln Song Thian Cheok (behind Everrise).
of itness. Contact Kuching Caving (www.kuchingcaving. RHB Bank, 256 Jln Padungan (Cat Statue roundabout).
Standard Chartered Bank, Wisma Bukit Mata Kuching,
com), Borneo Adventure, Borneo Experiences or CPH Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman.
travel (see lisings on page 28)
Doctors, Denists & Hospitals: The Clinic on Main
Sarawak is essenially pioneer territory when it comes Bazaar (opp. Chinese History Museum) is excellent,
to Mountain Biking. However, a few local riders have well equipped, and very experienced in dealing
discovered some great trails just outside Kuching and with tourists’ ailments. There are a number of other
further aield. If you want to link up with local riders, good clinics around town. Consultaion and simple
contact the Kuching Bike Hash (see below) or WG medicaion is usually around RM 30-50. Names are not
Cycles, 36A, Nam Meng Building, Ban Hock Road. Tel: given for legal reasons. There are many good denists
238239. in town, and their charges for both emergency and
cosmeic work are low by world standards. Sarawak
Kuching City Hash: If your idea of fun is running through General Hospital, Jln Ong Kee Hui (Tel: 276666, CPL Bus
K6, K8, K10A, K17, K18), has a irst rate Accident and
humid jungle, geing covered in mud, sweat, bites and Emergency department - foreign visitors are charged
scratches (and enjoying a few drinks aterwards with RM50 for consultaion. A cash deposit, insurance card
your new friends), the Kuching Chapter of the Hash or credit card will be required for in-paient treatment -
House Harriers would love to hear from you. Harriers prices are low by internaional standards.
(Men Only) Tue 5.30 pm, Harrietes (Ladies Only) Kuching’s private hospitals are stafed by specialists and
Wed 5.30 pm, City Hash (Mixed) Sat 4.30 pm. Contact have a good reputaion both locally and internaionally.
Polycarp Teo Sebom (Tel: 019 8871017) or Jennifer Yap They include Normah Medical Centre, across river
(Tel: 411694). Cyclists should contact the Kuching Bike on Jln Tun Datuk Painggi (Tel: 440055, CPL Bus K5),
Timberland Medical Centre at 3 Mile Commercial
Hash (weekend rides only) at Centre (Tel: 234991, CPL Bus K3, K6, K10A, K18, B2), and
Kuching Specialist Hospital at Jln Seia Raja, Stutong
Scuba Diving: Although Kuching is not yet developed as (Tel: 365777, CPLBus K8). If you prefer a tradiional
a diving desinaion (unlike Miri in Northeast Sarawak, approach there are Chinese Physicians and Tradiional
gateway to the Luconia Shoals), there are a number of Massage Centres located all over town. Prices of
interesing dive sites within easy access of Kuching. For prescripion eyewear (both glasses and contact lenses)
further details contact CPH Travel (Tel: 243708, www. are a fracion of those charged in many other countries,, Kuching Scuba Centre (Tel: 485335, whilst the praciioners are of internaional standard. or Premier Dive & Scuba (Tel: Pharmacies: Many of Kuching’s smaller pharmacies
012-8892336, have been take over by major drugstore chains whose