Page 34 - Tropical Peat Swamp Forests of Sarawak FA
P. 34
Asian countries play vital roles in forestry,
agriculture, ishery, livestock production and
industrial activities. The water and agriculture BOX VI. Efects of climate changes on
sectors are likely to be the most sensitive to forest ecosystems in Southeast Asia
climate change.
Widespread ecological impacts of climate
Warmer and wetter conditions could stimulate change are visible in every part of the world and
changes in biodiversity. Many species of plants in every ecosystem, and the observed ecologi-
and animals may go extinct as a result of the cal changes are larger than expected. Tropical
synergistic efects of climate change and habitat
fragmentation. forest ecosystems are particularly susceptible
to climate change for the following reasons:
Climatic changes have increased the length and • Growth of forest plants depends on climate
intensity of summer drought in many regions. dependent resources like light, water, and
This has increased the susceptibility of ecosys- CO . Changes in availability of either one will
tems to ires. Over the last decade ire frequency afect photosynthetic rates.
increased in many regions, also in Southeast
Asia. • Temperature afects the rates of photosynthe-
Indirect impacts sis, respiration and transpiration.
Climate change in combination with large scale • Phenological events (lowering, seed setting,
land conversion and overexploitation seriously bud burst, leaf unfolding, leaf fall) are tuned
reduces the functioning of peat swamp forest to climatic conditions. A small change can
ecosystems. Consequently the forests to a great have a major impact on the forest.
extent lose their economic value which in turn
increases the risk of further land conversion • Because of high species diversity, species
practices. of tropical rain forests have narrow niches.
Changes in climate can eliminate species and
Management adaptations for reduce biological diversity.
ecosystems and biodiversity • Insects are especially sensitive to changes in

temperature and precipitation.
Adaptations in our strategies to deal with
threats to ecosystems and biodiversity should be • Deforestation may have signiicant feedback
considered high priority in tropical Asia. These on hydrology, both regionally and globally.
adaptations are:
• Assess risks to endemic species and ecosys- • A change in rainfall can have a large efect on
tems. water availability and loods.
• Introduce integrated ecosystem planning and
management. • Warming up of ecosystems causes soil carbon
• Reduce habitat fragmentation and develop to decrease.
migration corridors and bufer zones.
• Encourage mixed-use strategies. • The structure and function of forests may
• Prevent deforestation and conserve habitats in change, their integrity may be violated and
climatic transition zones where genetic biodi- their services to people may be greatly modi-
versity has a potential for ecosystem restora- ied.
• Protect wetlands and allow for migration; • The interaction between elevated CO2 levels Pneumatophores
prepare contingency plans for migration in and climate change plays an important role in of trees in peat
response to sea level rise; improve emergency the overall response of net primary productiv- swamp forests.
preparedness for weather extremes; evaluate ity.
coastal subsidence rate in sensitive coastal

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