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Acknowledgements Henkens, R.J.H.G. & A. Omar, 2004. Tourism Lee, H.S. 2004. Improving Biodiversity and Sus-

Management Plan for Maludam National Park,
tainability of Peat Swamp Forests of Sarawak.
Betong Division, Sarawak. Report JWG/MNP/12.
Joint Working Group Malaysia – The Nether- Report JWG/RAM/12. Joint Working Group
Malaysia – The Netherlands. Forest Department
This booklet is the result of intensive collabora- Hillegers,and supported by the project coordi- lands. Forest Department Sarawak, Kuching, Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia/Alterra, Wagenin-
tion between Malaysia and The Netherlands nators namely Dr. Peter van der Meer, Mohd. Malaysia/Alterra, Wageningen, The Netherlands. gen, The Netherlands.
under the umbrella of the Joint Working Group Shahbudin Sabki, Dr. Albert Beintema and Hon, J. & M. Gumal, 2004. Monitoring and
Malaysia-Netherlands. The authors owe par- Francis Chai. Special acknowledgement is due Conserving Primates in Maludam National Park, Meer, P.J. van der, S. Tan, F. Chai & L. Dibor,
ticular thanks to the government agencies who to the Sarawak Timber Association (STA) for the Betong Division, Sarawak. Report JWG/MNP/20. 2004. Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) Regenera-
initiated and established this research, notably inancial support towards the publication of Joint Working Group Malaysia – The Nether- tion and Growth in Sarawak’s Peat Swamp For-
the Ministry of Primary Industries of Malay- this booklet but the views expressed here does lands. Forest Department Sarawak, Kuching, ests. Report JWG/RAM/15. Joint Working Group
sia and the Ministry for Foreign Afairs of The not necessarily relect those of STA. Mr Imran Malaysia/Alterra, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Malaysia – The Netherlands. Forest Department
Netherlands. The authors also want to thank all Shamit and Mr Sandum Hitam provided helpful Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia/Alterra, Wagenin-
the members of the Joint Working Group and technical assistance and advices respectively Jans, W.P., L. Dibor, B. Kruijt, P.J. van der Meer gen, The Netherlands.
the local organizations, and the experts that while Mr Stephen P. Teo, Mr Gabriel Gunyai and & S. Tan, 2004. Leaf Properties, Photosynthetic
have been involved in the many facets of the Mr Martin Jandom kindly shared some of their Rates and Growth Strategies of Ramin. Report Melling, L. & R. hatano, 2004. Peat Soils Study
project. The Project Management Group was photographs. JWG/RAM/16. Joint Working Group Malaysia – of the Peat Swamp in the maludam National
led by Datu Dr Penguang Manggil and Mr. Paul The Netherlands. Forest Department Sarawak, Park, Betong Division, Sarawak. Report JWG/
Kuching, Malaysia/Alterra, Wageningen, The MNP/01. Joint Working Group Malaysia – The
Netherlands. Netherlands. Forest Department Sarawak, Kuch-
ing, Malaysia/Alterra, Wageningen, The Nether-
List of publications under the Ramin Jayasilan, M.A. 2004. Camera Trapping Survey lands.
in the Maludam National Park, Betong Division,
and Maludam Projects Sarawak. Report JWG/MNP/19. Joint Working Mohamad, M. 2004. Flora Survey in the
Group Malaysia – The Netherlands. Forest De-
Maludam National Park, Betong Division,
Sarawak. Report JWG/MNP/21. Joint Working
partment Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia/Alterra,
Wageningen, The Netherlands. Group Malaysia – The Netherlands. Forest De-
partment Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia/Alterra,
Berg, J. van den, M. Nasrudin Salleh, M. Demies Netherlands. Forest Department Sarawak, Kuch- Kunne, P. 2004. Seedling distribution of Ramin Wageningen, The Netherlands.
& J. Amir, 2004. A Rapid Diagnostic Appraisal ing, Malaysia/Alterra, Wageningen, The Nether- (Gonystylus bancanus) and seed dispersal in
Report of the Socio-Economic value of Forest lands. Sarawak, Malaysia. Report JWG/RAM/08. Joint Nasruddin Salleh, M. 2004. Land Use and
Products for the Population in the Vicinity of Working Group Malaysia – The Netherlands. Regional Setting of the Maludam National Park,
Maludam National Park, Sarawak. Report JWG/ Demies, M, M. S. Shahbudin &P. J. van der Forest Department Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia/ Betong Division, Sarawak. Report JWG/MNP/05.
RAM/06/JWG/MNP/06. Joint Working Group Meer. 2012. Restoration of Peat Swamp Forest Alterra, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Joint Working Group Malaysia – The Nether-
Malaysia – The Netherlands. Forest Department in Sarawak: A Case Study in Maludam National lands. Forest Department Sarawak, Kuching,
Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia/Alterra, Wagenin- Park. Pp. 128-133 in Ang, L.H., W.M.Ho, C.T.Lee & Kselik, R.A.L. & Y.L. Tie, 2004. Hydrology of the Malaysia/Alterra, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
gen, The Netherlands. H. C. Sim (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Peat Swamp in the Maludam National Park,
Symposium on Reclamation, Rehabilitation and Betong Division, Sarawak. Report JWG/MNP/02. Nasruddin Salleh, M. & J. van den Berg, 2004.
Chai, E. 2004. Restoration of Ramin in Peat Restoration Towards a Greener Asia. 3-5 July Joint Working Group Malaysia – The Nether- Constraints and Opportunities of the Non-Tim-
Swamp Forests of Sarawak. Report JWG/RAM/13. 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. lands. Forest Department Sarawak, Kuching, ber Forest Products (NTFPs) Activities among
Joint Working Group Malaysia – The Nether- Malaysia/Alterra, Wageningen, The Netherlands. the Iban Communities living adajacent to the
lands. Forest Department Sarawak, Kuching, Dibor, L. 2004. Efect of light on Ramin (Gonysty- Maludam National Park, Sarawak. Report JWG/
Malaysia/Alterra, Wageningen, The Netherlands. lus bancanus) germination. Report JWG/RAM/07. Lading, E. & P. Dagang, 2004. Small Mammals RAM/11/JWG/MNP/07. Joint Working Group
Joint Working Group Malaysia – The Nether- Survey in the Maludam National Park, Betong Malaysia – The Netherlands. Forest Department
Chiew, S.P. 2004. Growth and Yield of logged- lands. Forest Department Sarawak, Kuching, Division, Sarawak. Report JWG/MNP/18. Joint Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia/Alterra, Wagenin-
over Peat Swamp Forests of Sarawak. Report Malaysia/Alterra, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Working Group Malaysia – The Netherlands. gen, The Netherlands.
JWG/RAM/14. Joint Working Group Malaysia – Forest Department Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia/
The Netherlands. Forest Department Sarawak, Gumal, M., J. Sompud & D. Kong, 2004. Wildlife Alterra, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Nyanti, L. & J. Bali, 2004. Fish Fauna of
Kuching, Malaysia/Alterra, Wageningen, The Survey of the Proposed Extension to Maludam Maludam National Park, Betong Division,
Netherlands. National Park. Report JWG/MNP/17. Joint Work- Sarawak. Report JWG/MNP/15. Joint Working
ing Group Malaysia – The Netherlands. Forest Group Malaysia – The Netherlands. Forest De-
Demies, M. 2004. Litter-Trap Survey in Maludam Department Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia/Al- partment Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia/Alterra,
National Park. Report JWG/RAM/10/JWG/ terra, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wageningen, The Netherlands.
MNP/22. Joint Working Group Malaysia – The

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