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More CERT Groups Needed — Uggah

Date : 17 October 2019     Source : The Borneo Post Online

SIBU: There is a need for more Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) groups to be formed in Sarawak.

This is because they will be the first responders on the ground in the event of any emergencies or disasters while awaiting the arrival of the regular agencies, Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said.

“They will be at least trained to decide, mobilise and co-ordinate the people.

“In the event of flood, they can decide when the people, especially the sick and the elderly, should begin evacuating,” he said when officiating at the closing of a four-day CERT course for 164 members of 24 CERT groups from throughout the state at Rave YMCA at Ulu Oya Road here yesterday.

He said flood occurrences and longhouse fires were always a great challenge to the state, especially when they happened deep in the interiors and in disaster prone areas.

He remarked that it is the government’s policy that there is zero loss of life in any disaster apart from minimal damage to property.

“With CERT at every nook and corner of the state, we hope to be able to achieve this.

“As such, we want to increase the number of the CERT groups soon. We have now 45 with over 7,192 volunteers who take great pride in serving their communities,” he said.

Meanwhile, Uggah who is also the chairman of the State Disaster Management Committee, spoke at length on the role of the CERT members in helping to fight the current rabies scourge.

“Please report any sight of sick dogs or cats. Advise your village folks to get their animals vaccinated. Adopt only vaccinated dogs. And the most important thing is to tell the people how to treat all bite wounds properly.

“Wash immediately with soap and running water for 10 to 15 minutes and then rush to the nearest health clinic or hospital,” he stressed.

He said such simple procedures had proven to save life.

He expressed his gratitude to Petronas for sponsoring the activity for the second time.

In his speech earlier, State Security and Enforcement Unit director Datuk Dr Chai Khin Chung said plans were being made for the creation of more CERT groups.

“We are identifying especially those settlements deep in the interiors.

“CERT is a very useful and important body to be had in such areas as the members can be the first responders to any disaster or emergency.

“We want to make it a culture of our people to be prepared to face any disaster,” he said.

Among those present were state Veterinary Services Department director Dr Adrian Susin Ambud and deputy Sibu Resident Wong Hee Seng.

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