The Official Portal of the Sarawak Government

Application to become Panel Hotel

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This services is for registration as panel hotel of Sarawak Government.

User Guide I Video Tutorial

Link for User Guide : Click Here
Link for Video Tutorial : Click Here
All hotel are eligible. The Hotel is required to comply with the appointment conditions as follows:
  1. The Hotel cannot increase the Government   Rate as stated in the quotation submitted to this office through the Resident;
  2. This office has the right to inspect the premises at any time to ensure that the accommodation facilities provided are always clean, comfortable, and suitable for Government Civil Service;
  3. The Hotel must not charge any advance payment to Government Officials who make reservations using a "Service Order"; and
  4. lf you do not comply with these conditions,the Government has the right to blacklist the Hotel from becoming a Sarawak Government Panel  Hotel.
Not Applicable
The applicant is required to register/login Sarawak ID and Sarawak ID Corp

User Guide on SarawakID & SarawakID Registration as per below:

How to register SarawaklD?

How to register SarawaklD Corp Account?
For assistance kindly contact the following officer:
  1. Leong Kar Seng, email:, tel:082-312524
  2. Masittah Binti Mohtadi, email:, tel: 082-441957
  3. Mohd.Harfizan Bin Madinil,, tel: 082-446350