Page 93 - Sarawak-Visitors-Guide-2014v1
P. 93
MARUDI and Long Seridan. See Miri Travel Connecions for
Note: Telephone dialling code is +6085 from overseas contact details.
and 085 within Malaysia. All addresses are 98058 Boat: Downriver express boats leave approximately
Marudi, Sarawak, Malaysia. hourly for Kuala Baram (near Miri) from 7.30am (RM
25). There is a daily service to Long Terawan (RM 25,
Marudi is situated on the northern bank of the Baram 4hrs) where longboats may be chartered to Mulu
roughly 80 km from Miri. It is a busy bazaar town whose Naional Park (weather permiing).
traders supply most of Sarawak’s northern interior, Road: Marudi is also accessible from Miri by 4WD along
so you are likely to bump into members of dozens of an old logging road. Vehicles depart from the central
diferent ethnic groups here. The town’s main atracion bus staion. Check with the Visitor’s Informaion Centre
is Fort Hose, a Brooke-era wooden fort named for in Miri for details.
Marudi’s most famous administrator, the naturalist, Permits: A permit is necessary to travel upriver beyond
ethnographer and pioneer photographer Charles Hose. Marudi. This is available free of charge from the District
The fort is nowadays a museum, featuring some of Oice on Jln Kubu Hose.
Hose’s remarkable ethnographic photographs, as well
as local texiles, handicrats and ceremonial items. LONG SAN
To get there, walk uphill along Jln Fort from the Main The sprawling Kenyah
Bazaar (10 min). The nearby Taman Tasik (lake park) community of Long San is
ofers excellent river views from the hilltop. The best the last major setlement
ime to visit is during the popular Baram Regata, held on the Baram River. Long
on the irst weekend of October every year, but book San is something of a
your accommodaion irst. surprise to those who
expect a sleepy riverside village rather than a mini-
Accommodaion boom-town. However it’s sill the principal home of
Alisan Hotel, 63-65 Queen Square, Tel: 755911. Band B. tradiional Kenyah art, crats, music and dance, and
visitors are sure to have a fascinaing ime.
Baram Hotel, 7 Queen Square, Tel: 756008 Band B.
Grand Hotel, 92 Lorong Lima, Tel: 755711. Band B. The region around Long San is a complex ethnic mix,
Ka Lee Inn, 3 Queen Square, Tel: 755897/755098 and visitors can take in the Kayan longhouse of Long
Marudi Hotel, 3 Queen Square, Tel: 755141. Band B. Mekaba, famous for its tradiional musicians who
Mayland Hotel, 347 Marudi Bazaar, Tel: 755106. Band B. are expert in playing the lute-like sape, as well as the
Mount Mulu Hotel, 89-90 Jln Kampung Cina, Tel: abandoned Brooke-era fort at Long Akah, and even
756671. Band B visit nomadic Panan groups when they are in the area.
Queen Inn, 34 Jln Lim Chin Kiat, Tel 755330. Band B These aciviies generally cost about RM 150 per person
Victoria Hotel, 961 Marudi Bazaar, Tel: 756067. Band B. per day for 4 persons, due to the vehicles, boats and
fuel costs involved, and can be arranged at the Long San
An interesing alternaive to Marudi’s hotels is the Guesthouse (see below).
homestay in Kampung Narum, a Malay village on
the edge of town, Contact Marudi District Oice, Tel: Accommodaion: The Long San Guesthouse ofers
755211, comfortable fan-cooled rooms in an atracive wooden
building close to the river. RM 80 per person including
Eaing Out all meals. A small shop nearby sells basic essenials,
Marudi has a fair selecion of Chinese cofee shops including cold beer and the powerful local rice wine,
serving noodle and rice dishes (the town is famous for borak. Check with the Visitor Informaion Centre in Miri
its char kway teow), while the Boon Kee restaurant (Jln for contact details.
Newshop) is popular for sumptuous dinners. Malay
food is available from the stalls at the Pasar Rakyat Travel Connecions - Air: Fly from Miri (2x weekly)
food centre. Restoran Kopaselera on Jln Cinema serves or Marudi (1x weekly) to Long Akah (see Miri Travel
economical Indian Muslim dishes. Connecions) and take the local boat to Long San (10
mins, RM 10). Road: The 4WD service from Miri passes
Travel Connecions along old logging roads (RM 90, 4½ hrs). Check with
the Visitor’s Informaion Centre in Miri for the latest
Air: MASwings operates DHC-6 Twin Oter turboprop schedules. From Long San it is possible to charter a 4WD
lights to Miri (2-3x daily) and Bario (1x daily). Less vehicle (RM 300, 4 hrs) to the remote Kenyah longhouse
frequent lights (1-2x weekly) serve the remote at Lio Matoh, staring point for the trek to Bario in the
communiies of Long Akah, Long Banga, Long Lellang Kelabit Highlands (see Kelabit Highlands chapter)
Note: Telephone dialling code is +6085 from overseas contact details.
and 085 within Malaysia. All addresses are 98058 Boat: Downriver express boats leave approximately
Marudi, Sarawak, Malaysia. hourly for Kuala Baram (near Miri) from 7.30am (RM
25). There is a daily service to Long Terawan (RM 25,
Marudi is situated on the northern bank of the Baram 4hrs) where longboats may be chartered to Mulu
roughly 80 km from Miri. It is a busy bazaar town whose Naional Park (weather permiing).
traders supply most of Sarawak’s northern interior, Road: Marudi is also accessible from Miri by 4WD along
so you are likely to bump into members of dozens of an old logging road. Vehicles depart from the central
diferent ethnic groups here. The town’s main atracion bus staion. Check with the Visitor’s Informaion Centre
is Fort Hose, a Brooke-era wooden fort named for in Miri for details.
Marudi’s most famous administrator, the naturalist, Permits: A permit is necessary to travel upriver beyond
ethnographer and pioneer photographer Charles Hose. Marudi. This is available free of charge from the District
The fort is nowadays a museum, featuring some of Oice on Jln Kubu Hose.
Hose’s remarkable ethnographic photographs, as well
as local texiles, handicrats and ceremonial items. LONG SAN
To get there, walk uphill along Jln Fort from the Main The sprawling Kenyah
Bazaar (10 min). The nearby Taman Tasik (lake park) community of Long San is
ofers excellent river views from the hilltop. The best the last major setlement
ime to visit is during the popular Baram Regata, held on the Baram River. Long
on the irst weekend of October every year, but book San is something of a
your accommodaion irst. surprise to those who
expect a sleepy riverside village rather than a mini-
Accommodaion boom-town. However it’s sill the principal home of
Alisan Hotel, 63-65 Queen Square, Tel: 755911. Band B. tradiional Kenyah art, crats, music and dance, and
visitors are sure to have a fascinaing ime.
Baram Hotel, 7 Queen Square, Tel: 756008 Band B.
Grand Hotel, 92 Lorong Lima, Tel: 755711. Band B. The region around Long San is a complex ethnic mix,
Ka Lee Inn, 3 Queen Square, Tel: 755897/755098 and visitors can take in the Kayan longhouse of Long
Marudi Hotel, 3 Queen Square, Tel: 755141. Band B. Mekaba, famous for its tradiional musicians who
Mayland Hotel, 347 Marudi Bazaar, Tel: 755106. Band B. are expert in playing the lute-like sape, as well as the
Mount Mulu Hotel, 89-90 Jln Kampung Cina, Tel: abandoned Brooke-era fort at Long Akah, and even
756671. Band B visit nomadic Panan groups when they are in the area.
Queen Inn, 34 Jln Lim Chin Kiat, Tel 755330. Band B These aciviies generally cost about RM 150 per person
Victoria Hotel, 961 Marudi Bazaar, Tel: 756067. Band B. per day for 4 persons, due to the vehicles, boats and
fuel costs involved, and can be arranged at the Long San
An interesing alternaive to Marudi’s hotels is the Guesthouse (see below).
homestay in Kampung Narum, a Malay village on
the edge of town, Contact Marudi District Oice, Tel: Accommodaion: The Long San Guesthouse ofers
755211, comfortable fan-cooled rooms in an atracive wooden
building close to the river. RM 80 per person including
Eaing Out all meals. A small shop nearby sells basic essenials,
Marudi has a fair selecion of Chinese cofee shops including cold beer and the powerful local rice wine,
serving noodle and rice dishes (the town is famous for borak. Check with the Visitor Informaion Centre in Miri
its char kway teow), while the Boon Kee restaurant (Jln for contact details.
Newshop) is popular for sumptuous dinners. Malay
food is available from the stalls at the Pasar Rakyat Travel Connecions - Air: Fly from Miri (2x weekly)
food centre. Restoran Kopaselera on Jln Cinema serves or Marudi (1x weekly) to Long Akah (see Miri Travel
economical Indian Muslim dishes. Connecions) and take the local boat to Long San (10
mins, RM 10). Road: The 4WD service from Miri passes
Travel Connecions along old logging roads (RM 90, 4½ hrs). Check with
the Visitor’s Informaion Centre in Miri for the latest
Air: MASwings operates DHC-6 Twin Oter turboprop schedules. From Long San it is possible to charter a 4WD
lights to Miri (2-3x daily) and Bario (1x daily). Less vehicle (RM 300, 4 hrs) to the remote Kenyah longhouse
frequent lights (1-2x weekly) serve the remote at Lio Matoh, staring point for the trek to Bario in the
communiies of Long Akah, Long Banga, Long Lellang Kelabit Highlands (see Kelabit Highlands chapter)