Page 97 - Sarawak-Visitors-Guide-2014v1
P. 97
and King’s Seafood (both facing the riverfront on Jln border on foot and take a taxi onwards to Temburong.
Buangsiol opposite the Customs Department building), Boat: There are express boat services to the island
and Maggie Café (open late to 2 am) on the riverside to of Labuan (7.30 and 8.00 am, jety on the Esplanade
the north of town. The town is full of tradiional Chinese wharf, 2 hrs, RM 30) and Lawas (8.00 am, jety of Jln
cofee shops serving drinks and simple breakfast and Buangsiol opposite Royal Park Hotel, 3hrs, RM 30). The
lunch dishes – for sheer atmosphere none of them speedboat service to Bandar Sri Begawan in Brunei (2x
beats the iny and very friendly Ah Mee Café in an old daily, 30 min, RM 25) departs from the Customs wharf.
wooden building on Jln Merdeka. Access via the Customs Department building next to the
Tamu (wet market). Boats leave when full, so get there
Malay: A selecion of Muslim food stalls operate from early. Alternaively, to charter a speedboat to Brunei,
early evening to around midnight near the waterfront call Mr Chiew (019-8066055) or Mr Lai (013-8249551).
of Jln Buangsiol, and more Malay stalls can be found Taxis: The taxi stand is on the waterfront opposite the
on the irst loor of the Tamu (wet market). Good Malay Customs Department building (Tel 213781). Most trips
restaurants include the busy and popular Sarimah around town are RM 7-10, and the airport is RM 20.
Curry House, uphill from the clock tower on Jln Ricket,
Adnan Restaurant next to the airport road roundabout LAWAS
near RHB Bank, Mesra opposite the bus staion and
Selera Muhibbah on Jln Bank. Lawas is a bustling litle
border town sandwiched
Western: Fast food lovers will ind KFC and Sugar Bun between the Temburong
outlets in Limbang Plaza, the shopping centre adjoining district of Brunei and the
the Purnama Hotel, while the ever-popular Maggie neighbouring Malaysian
Café (see Chinese, above) serves simple western dishes state of Sabah on the
such as steaks and ish and chips. Lawas River (Sungai Lawas). The only signiicant
atracions in town are the large and spotlessly clean
Entertainment Central Market (Pasar Raya), which ofers a great
selecion of tropical fruits and vegetables, an atracive
Much of Limbang’s nightlife is geared up to catering Chinese Temple on Jln Bunga Teratai, and an old
to thrill-seeking male visitors from Brunei. If you don’t Mosque on the banks of the Sungai Limbang about
want to pay for ‘ladies drinks’ then sick to the regular 400m east of town. If you are here on a saturday,
cofee shops or the Purnama Hotel Lounge, which check out the Tamu Lawas (weekend market) for jungle
usually features decent live bands and afordable drink produce and handicrats.
The few visitors who come to Lawas are usually stopping
Useful Informaion over on their way to Sabah or Bakalalan. There are some
hot springs with resort accommodaion at Merarap,
Internet Access: Media Cybercafé, 2 Floor, Limbang about 70 km from town along an old logging road (see
Plaza. Accommodaion, below), some Malay water villages
Swimming Pool: The public swimming pool is on Jln (Kg Awat Awat and Kg Punang) and a pleasant beach at
Panduran, about 20 mins walk or a short taxi ride from Punang (7 km, minibus from bus staion, RM 4).
the town centre.
Healthcare: The Limbang Hospital is on Jln Panduran Sarawak’s newest Birding Desinaion at Paya Maga
about 10 mins drive from town. There are a few private in the Trusan Highlands ofers the excepionally rare
clinics in the town itself. Black Oriole, as well as many other rare endemic
Money Changers: Thanks to the weekend trade from species. Access is via a 3-4 hr trek, overnighing in a
Brunei, money changers are located on every street jungle camp or local village. Contact Suntravel, www.
corner and shopping centre., for details.
Travel Connecions Accommodaion
Air: MASWings operates regular ATR72 turboprop All addresses are 98750 Lawas, Sarawak, Malaysia.
lights to Miri (3x daily) see Miri Travel Connecions for Telephone dialling code is +6085 from overseas and 085
full details within Malaysia.
Bus: A daily express bus service operates to Miri at 9 Eastern Hotel, Lot 317, Jln Trusan, Tel: 285980. Band B.
am from the bus terminal (4 hrs, RM 38, Gaya Inn, Lot 363-364, Jln. Punang, Tel: 285855. Band B.
It does not pick up or drop of passengers in Brunei. Hotel Federal, Lot 252, Jln Masjid Baru, Tel: 285341
There is no bus service between Temburong (Brunei) Band B.
and Limbang. However regular buses travel as far as Hotel Perdana, Lot 365, Jln Punang, Tel: 285888. Band B.
the Panduruan Ferry, but it is necessary to cross the Hotel Seri Malaysia, Jln Gaya, Tel: 283200, www.
Buangsiol opposite the Customs Department building), Boat: There are express boat services to the island
and Maggie Café (open late to 2 am) on the riverside to of Labuan (7.30 and 8.00 am, jety on the Esplanade
the north of town. The town is full of tradiional Chinese wharf, 2 hrs, RM 30) and Lawas (8.00 am, jety of Jln
cofee shops serving drinks and simple breakfast and Buangsiol opposite Royal Park Hotel, 3hrs, RM 30). The
lunch dishes – for sheer atmosphere none of them speedboat service to Bandar Sri Begawan in Brunei (2x
beats the iny and very friendly Ah Mee Café in an old daily, 30 min, RM 25) departs from the Customs wharf.
wooden building on Jln Merdeka. Access via the Customs Department building next to the
Tamu (wet market). Boats leave when full, so get there
Malay: A selecion of Muslim food stalls operate from early. Alternaively, to charter a speedboat to Brunei,
early evening to around midnight near the waterfront call Mr Chiew (019-8066055) or Mr Lai (013-8249551).
of Jln Buangsiol, and more Malay stalls can be found Taxis: The taxi stand is on the waterfront opposite the
on the irst loor of the Tamu (wet market). Good Malay Customs Department building (Tel 213781). Most trips
restaurants include the busy and popular Sarimah around town are RM 7-10, and the airport is RM 20.
Curry House, uphill from the clock tower on Jln Ricket,
Adnan Restaurant next to the airport road roundabout LAWAS
near RHB Bank, Mesra opposite the bus staion and
Selera Muhibbah on Jln Bank. Lawas is a bustling litle
border town sandwiched
Western: Fast food lovers will ind KFC and Sugar Bun between the Temburong
outlets in Limbang Plaza, the shopping centre adjoining district of Brunei and the
the Purnama Hotel, while the ever-popular Maggie neighbouring Malaysian
Café (see Chinese, above) serves simple western dishes state of Sabah on the
such as steaks and ish and chips. Lawas River (Sungai Lawas). The only signiicant
atracions in town are the large and spotlessly clean
Entertainment Central Market (Pasar Raya), which ofers a great
selecion of tropical fruits and vegetables, an atracive
Much of Limbang’s nightlife is geared up to catering Chinese Temple on Jln Bunga Teratai, and an old
to thrill-seeking male visitors from Brunei. If you don’t Mosque on the banks of the Sungai Limbang about
want to pay for ‘ladies drinks’ then sick to the regular 400m east of town. If you are here on a saturday,
cofee shops or the Purnama Hotel Lounge, which check out the Tamu Lawas (weekend market) for jungle
usually features decent live bands and afordable drink produce and handicrats.
The few visitors who come to Lawas are usually stopping
Useful Informaion over on their way to Sabah or Bakalalan. There are some
hot springs with resort accommodaion at Merarap,
Internet Access: Media Cybercafé, 2 Floor, Limbang about 70 km from town along an old logging road (see
Plaza. Accommodaion, below), some Malay water villages
Swimming Pool: The public swimming pool is on Jln (Kg Awat Awat and Kg Punang) and a pleasant beach at
Panduran, about 20 mins walk or a short taxi ride from Punang (7 km, minibus from bus staion, RM 4).
the town centre.
Healthcare: The Limbang Hospital is on Jln Panduran Sarawak’s newest Birding Desinaion at Paya Maga
about 10 mins drive from town. There are a few private in the Trusan Highlands ofers the excepionally rare
clinics in the town itself. Black Oriole, as well as many other rare endemic
Money Changers: Thanks to the weekend trade from species. Access is via a 3-4 hr trek, overnighing in a
Brunei, money changers are located on every street jungle camp or local village. Contact Suntravel, www.
corner and shopping centre., for details.
Travel Connecions Accommodaion
Air: MASWings operates regular ATR72 turboprop All addresses are 98750 Lawas, Sarawak, Malaysia.
lights to Miri (3x daily) see Miri Travel Connecions for Telephone dialling code is +6085 from overseas and 085
full details within Malaysia.
Bus: A daily express bus service operates to Miri at 9 Eastern Hotel, Lot 317, Jln Trusan, Tel: 285980. Band B.
am from the bus terminal (4 hrs, RM 38, Gaya Inn, Lot 363-364, Jln. Punang, Tel: 285855. Band B.
It does not pick up or drop of passengers in Brunei. Hotel Federal, Lot 252, Jln Masjid Baru, Tel: 285341
There is no bus service between Temburong (Brunei) Band B.
and Limbang. However regular buses travel as far as Hotel Perdana, Lot 365, Jln Punang, Tel: 285888. Band B.
the Panduruan Ferry, but it is necessary to cross the Hotel Seri Malaysia, Jln Gaya, Tel: 283200, www.