Page 95 - Sarawak-Visitors-Guide-2014v1
P. 95
Guides Mustapha Lodge, Old Airstrip, Bario (20 mins walk
Experienced guides are essenial for all of these treks. from airport), Tel: 013-5664866, Email: hari_hhd@
Expect to pay RM 100 per day, plus an addiional Only Muslim lodge in the highlands,
RM 80 per day for porters if you don’t want to carry serving Halal food.
everything yourself. The Kelabit Highlands guides are Nancy & Harris Homestay, Old Airstrip, Bario, Tel:
iercely proud of their reputaion and ensure that only 013-8505850, Email: Quiet
the very best are allowed to guide visitors. However, riversife locaion onworking farm.
this means that guides usually need to be booked in Ngimat Ayu House, Bario (10 mins drive fromairport),
advance. Most guides are usually atached to one of Tel: 013-8406187, Email:
the guesthouses so should be booked at the same ime Well-appointed lodge on a hilltop near Bario village.
as your room. If you require specialist skills, such as Tarawae’s, Jln Bario, Tel: 019 4381777, E-mail: jtarawe@
mountaineering or birdwatching guides, please make Bario’s original lodge, just a short walk from
this clear when you book. the airport. Owner John Tarawe is a renowned authority
on pitcher plants.
Accommodaion – Bario and Around: Detailed
informaion and for most guest houses in the area is Accommodaion – Bakalalan: Unless otherwise
available at community websites indicated, contact Bakalalan homestays via
(Bario area only) and thehomestayborneo.blogspot.
com (also includes Bakalalan), which both accept
bookings. Expect to pay between RM60 and RM100 per Apple Lodge, Kampung Buduk Nur (5 mins walk form
room including all meals. Please note that cellphone airport), Tel: 013-2865656, www.borneojunglesafari.
coverage is erraic and landline numbers are those of com. Longest running lodge in the area, complete with
associates in Miri, so email (via the community satellite apple orchard.
link) is usually more reliable and direct. Balang Sigar Homestay, Kampung Buduk Nur. Small
family homestay above village grocery store.
Bariew Backpackers Lodge, Jln Bario, E-mail: Tel: 085 Home Sweet Homestay, Kampung Buduk Nur. Locaed
791038, Email: Near the in centre of village. Motorcycle rental available.
shops past the old airstrip – ask for Reddish’s place. Juliasang Homestay, Kampung Buduk Nur. Conveniently
Bario Asal Longhouse, Bario, Tel: 085 791 065, Email: located only 300m from airport. Homestay in the original Sakai Daway Homestay, Long Langai (30 mins walk
Bario longhouse, complete with motherly Kelabit form airport). Family homestay surrounded by paddy
matrons. ields.
Batu Ritung Homestay, Pa Lungun, Tel: 019-8052119, Tadam Asi Homestay, Homestay in large modern family
Email: Located in a house.
scenic village 4 hrs walk or 1 hr by boat from Bario. Yudan Meru Homestay, Kampung Buduk Nur. Elegant
De Plateau Lodge, Jln Pa Umur, Bario, E-mail: hilltop house ofering great views. 3 km east of Bario on the ‘road’
to Pa Umur. Owner Douglas Bala is a birding specialist. Travel Connecions - Bario: Unless you are trekking
Gem’s Lodge, Pa Umur, Bario, E-mail: gems_lodge@ from Bakalalan, Long Lellang or Lio Matoh, Bario is only Delighful riverside seing 6km southeast accessible by air. MASWings operates regular DHC-6
of Bario (transport provided from airport). Possibly the Twin Oter turboprop lights to and from Miri (2x daily)
inest home cooking in NE Sarawak. and Marudi (4x weekly) – see Miri Travel Connecions
JK View Lodge, Bario, E-mail: rose_sabot@hotmail. for full details. It is essenial to book as far ahead as
com. 500m from village near new shophouses. possible to be sure of connecions to and from Bario.
Junglebluesdream Art Gallery & Homestay, Ulung
Palang Longhouse (3 km from airport), Tel: 019 Travel Connecions – Bakalalan
8849892, Air: MASWings operates daily DHC-6 Twin Oter
Labang’s Longhouse, Bario, contact via www.ebario. turboprop lights to and from Miri via Lawas. see Miri
com. Longhouse-style lodge 1km east of Bario village. Travel Connecions for full details.
Leminan Lodge, Bario, Tel: 019-4822034 Email via Road: A daily 4WD service operates between Lawas Charming rusic lodge with great Bus Staion and Bakalalan along old logging roads (6hrs,
views next to the Penan setlement. RM 70). Check with the Visitor’s Informaion Centre in
Mado Homestay, Pa Lungun (see Batu Ritung, above), Miri for the latest schedule. In Bakalalan, book at Home
Tel: 019-8549700. Sweet Homestay.
Experienced guides are essenial for all of these treks. from airport), Tel: 013-5664866, Email: hari_hhd@
Expect to pay RM 100 per day, plus an addiional Only Muslim lodge in the highlands,
RM 80 per day for porters if you don’t want to carry serving Halal food.
everything yourself. The Kelabit Highlands guides are Nancy & Harris Homestay, Old Airstrip, Bario, Tel:
iercely proud of their reputaion and ensure that only 013-8505850, Email: Quiet
the very best are allowed to guide visitors. However, riversife locaion onworking farm.
this means that guides usually need to be booked in Ngimat Ayu House, Bario (10 mins drive fromairport),
advance. Most guides are usually atached to one of Tel: 013-8406187, Email:
the guesthouses so should be booked at the same ime Well-appointed lodge on a hilltop near Bario village.
as your room. If you require specialist skills, such as Tarawae’s, Jln Bario, Tel: 019 4381777, E-mail: jtarawe@
mountaineering or birdwatching guides, please make Bario’s original lodge, just a short walk from
this clear when you book. the airport. Owner John Tarawe is a renowned authority
on pitcher plants.
Accommodaion – Bario and Around: Detailed
informaion and for most guest houses in the area is Accommodaion – Bakalalan: Unless otherwise
available at community websites indicated, contact Bakalalan homestays via
(Bario area only) and thehomestayborneo.blogspot.
com (also includes Bakalalan), which both accept
bookings. Expect to pay between RM60 and RM100 per Apple Lodge, Kampung Buduk Nur (5 mins walk form
room including all meals. Please note that cellphone airport), Tel: 013-2865656, www.borneojunglesafari.
coverage is erraic and landline numbers are those of com. Longest running lodge in the area, complete with
associates in Miri, so email (via the community satellite apple orchard.
link) is usually more reliable and direct. Balang Sigar Homestay, Kampung Buduk Nur. Small
family homestay above village grocery store.
Bariew Backpackers Lodge, Jln Bario, E-mail: Tel: 085 Home Sweet Homestay, Kampung Buduk Nur. Locaed
791038, Email: Near the in centre of village. Motorcycle rental available.
shops past the old airstrip – ask for Reddish’s place. Juliasang Homestay, Kampung Buduk Nur. Conveniently
Bario Asal Longhouse, Bario, Tel: 085 791 065, Email: located only 300m from airport. Homestay in the original Sakai Daway Homestay, Long Langai (30 mins walk
Bario longhouse, complete with motherly Kelabit form airport). Family homestay surrounded by paddy
matrons. ields.
Batu Ritung Homestay, Pa Lungun, Tel: 019-8052119, Tadam Asi Homestay, Homestay in large modern family
Email: Located in a house.
scenic village 4 hrs walk or 1 hr by boat from Bario. Yudan Meru Homestay, Kampung Buduk Nur. Elegant
De Plateau Lodge, Jln Pa Umur, Bario, E-mail: hilltop house ofering great views. 3 km east of Bario on the ‘road’
to Pa Umur. Owner Douglas Bala is a birding specialist. Travel Connecions - Bario: Unless you are trekking
Gem’s Lodge, Pa Umur, Bario, E-mail: gems_lodge@ from Bakalalan, Long Lellang or Lio Matoh, Bario is only Delighful riverside seing 6km southeast accessible by air. MASWings operates regular DHC-6
of Bario (transport provided from airport). Possibly the Twin Oter turboprop lights to and from Miri (2x daily)
inest home cooking in NE Sarawak. and Marudi (4x weekly) – see Miri Travel Connecions
JK View Lodge, Bario, E-mail: rose_sabot@hotmail. for full details. It is essenial to book as far ahead as
com. 500m from village near new shophouses. possible to be sure of connecions to and from Bario.
Junglebluesdream Art Gallery & Homestay, Ulung
Palang Longhouse (3 km from airport), Tel: 019 Travel Connecions – Bakalalan
8849892, Air: MASWings operates daily DHC-6 Twin Oter
Labang’s Longhouse, Bario, contact via www.ebario. turboprop lights to and from Miri via Lawas. see Miri
com. Longhouse-style lodge 1km east of Bario village. Travel Connecions for full details.
Leminan Lodge, Bario, Tel: 019-4822034 Email via Road: A daily 4WD service operates between Lawas Charming rusic lodge with great Bus Staion and Bakalalan along old logging roads (6hrs,
views next to the Penan setlement. RM 70). Check with the Visitor’s Informaion Centre in
Mado Homestay, Pa Lungun (see Batu Ritung, above), Miri for the latest schedule. In Bakalalan, book at Home
Tel: 019-8549700. Sweet Homestay.