Page 94 - Sarawak-Visitors-Guide-2014v1
P. 94
Long Bedian is one of those rare longhouses that is not Bario is the gateway to the Kelabit highlands, thanks
gradually losing members through migraion to the to its airport and a small network of paved roads
ciies. Instead, it is thriving to such an extent that it has leading so some of the
even been visited by the King and Queen of Malaysia. nearby villages, The
Keen to showcase theirs success to others, the Kayan main atracion at Bario
people of Long Bedian have set up a community tourism is the old longhouse,
programme with riverbank chalets and a lodge atached Bario Asal, whose ancient
to the longhouse. They ofer an authenic upriver imbers are darkened by
experience, seing up an extensive network of jungle the constant smoke of
trails and providing treks and boat trips to picturesque generaions of cooking ires. Most accommodaion is
waterfalls and other idyllic locaions. found in and around Bario, and it is the main staring
point for treks through the area.
Accommodaion - The Tenyok Rimba Resort, about
30 mins drive from the longhouse, ofers one and two Bakalalan
room chalets with electricity, running water and cooking
faciliies at RM 80 and RM 160 respecively. The Tapun Bakalalan (formerly Ba’Kelalan) is the most important of
Homestay accommodates visitors in the longhouse the Lun Bawang setlements in the northern highlands.
lodge or with individual families. Village shops sell The village is famous for its apples and organic
all basic necessiies for self caterers, or meals can be vegetables, and for the
arranged. Contact Jok Eng Jok (Tel: 013-8305962), Ding local musicians and their
Laing Jok (Tel: 012-8556118) or Ulau Wan (Tel: 019- ‘bamboo bands’. The
4838311) for reservaions. village is connected to
Lawas and Miri by air,
Travel Connecions - Boat: Take an express boat from and it is also possible to
Marudi to Long Lama (RM 25, 4hrs), then a local 4WD travel to Lawas via an old
charter from Long Lama to Long Bedian (RM 140 per logging road.
vehicle, 1 hr). Road: The Long Bedian community ofers
a direct 4WD charter service from Miri via old logging Treks and Trails
roads (RM 480 per vehicle, 4 hrs). Contact Mr Wan Jok One of the great atracions of the Kelabit Highlands is
(Tel: 019-8454510) or Mr Lagang (Tel: 013-8013200) for trekking from longhouse to longhouse through dense
4WD charter reservaions. rainforest and past sparkling green padi ields. These
treks last from a few hours to a few weeks in duraion,
THE KELABIT HIGHLANDS and vary from a gentle stroll to a tough jungle hike,
using log bridges to cross fast-lowing rivers. Some of
the treks involve a short excursion into Kalimantan,
The Bario Loop is one of the most popular trails.
This 5-day trek covers some of the most beauiful
countryside in all of Borneo, and involves overnight
stops in the longhouse communiies of Long Dano, Pa
Dilih, Ramudu and Pa Berang, trekking through dense
jungle, crossing streams on bamboo bridges, and
The Kelabit Highlands is a series of beauiful mountain viewing ancient and not-so-ancient Kelabit megaliths
valleys lying slightly over 1000m above sea level and and rock carvings along the way.
lanked by jungle-covered peaks rising to more than
2,400m. The climate is probably the most pleasant A variety of other treks include week long trails to
in Borneo, although it can become quite chilly in the Long Lellang or Lio Matoh longhouses on the Upper
evenings. The Kelabit, ater whom the area is named, Baram (with overnight stops in the rainforest), for
and the neighbouring and closely related Lun Bawang, boat or air connecions downriver, trails leading north
are Borneo’s only wet rice farmers, and their well to Indonesia, and a pleasant 2-3 day trek to Bakalalan
tended padi ields bring order to the rugged landscape, from Bario (or vice varsa). It is also possible to climb
and produce the fragrant and much sought-ater Bario Gunung Murud (2,424m, reasonable going) or Batu
rice. Both groups are branches of the Orang Ulu, and Lawi (2,043m, very tough), but these are both serious
live in large longhouses widely dispersed throughout expediions and guides and porters will need to be hired
the area. They are friendly, hospitable people and enjoy in Bario or Bakalalan. For Batu Lawi, mountaineering
receiving visitors. equipment and experience is also necessary.
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Long Bedian is one of those rare longhouses that is not Bario is the gateway to the Kelabit highlands, thanks
gradually losing members through migraion to the to its airport and a small network of paved roads
ciies. Instead, it is thriving to such an extent that it has leading so some of the
even been visited by the King and Queen of Malaysia. nearby villages, The
Keen to showcase theirs success to others, the Kayan main atracion at Bario
people of Long Bedian have set up a community tourism is the old longhouse,
programme with riverbank chalets and a lodge atached Bario Asal, whose ancient
to the longhouse. They ofer an authenic upriver imbers are darkened by
experience, seing up an extensive network of jungle the constant smoke of
trails and providing treks and boat trips to picturesque generaions of cooking ires. Most accommodaion is
waterfalls and other idyllic locaions. found in and around Bario, and it is the main staring
point for treks through the area.
Accommodaion - The Tenyok Rimba Resort, about
30 mins drive from the longhouse, ofers one and two Bakalalan
room chalets with electricity, running water and cooking
faciliies at RM 80 and RM 160 respecively. The Tapun Bakalalan (formerly Ba’Kelalan) is the most important of
Homestay accommodates visitors in the longhouse the Lun Bawang setlements in the northern highlands.
lodge or with individual families. Village shops sell The village is famous for its apples and organic
all basic necessiies for self caterers, or meals can be vegetables, and for the
arranged. Contact Jok Eng Jok (Tel: 013-8305962), Ding local musicians and their
Laing Jok (Tel: 012-8556118) or Ulau Wan (Tel: 019- ‘bamboo bands’. The
4838311) for reservaions. village is connected to
Lawas and Miri by air,
Travel Connecions - Boat: Take an express boat from and it is also possible to
Marudi to Long Lama (RM 25, 4hrs), then a local 4WD travel to Lawas via an old
charter from Long Lama to Long Bedian (RM 140 per logging road.
vehicle, 1 hr). Road: The Long Bedian community ofers
a direct 4WD charter service from Miri via old logging Treks and Trails
roads (RM 480 per vehicle, 4 hrs). Contact Mr Wan Jok One of the great atracions of the Kelabit Highlands is
(Tel: 019-8454510) or Mr Lagang (Tel: 013-8013200) for trekking from longhouse to longhouse through dense
4WD charter reservaions. rainforest and past sparkling green padi ields. These
treks last from a few hours to a few weeks in duraion,
THE KELABIT HIGHLANDS and vary from a gentle stroll to a tough jungle hike,
using log bridges to cross fast-lowing rivers. Some of
the treks involve a short excursion into Kalimantan,
The Bario Loop is one of the most popular trails.
This 5-day trek covers some of the most beauiful
countryside in all of Borneo, and involves overnight
stops in the longhouse communiies of Long Dano, Pa
Dilih, Ramudu and Pa Berang, trekking through dense
jungle, crossing streams on bamboo bridges, and
The Kelabit Highlands is a series of beauiful mountain viewing ancient and not-so-ancient Kelabit megaliths
valleys lying slightly over 1000m above sea level and and rock carvings along the way.
lanked by jungle-covered peaks rising to more than
2,400m. The climate is probably the most pleasant A variety of other treks include week long trails to
in Borneo, although it can become quite chilly in the Long Lellang or Lio Matoh longhouses on the Upper
evenings. The Kelabit, ater whom the area is named, Baram (with overnight stops in the rainforest), for
and the neighbouring and closely related Lun Bawang, boat or air connecions downriver, trails leading north
are Borneo’s only wet rice farmers, and their well to Indonesia, and a pleasant 2-3 day trek to Bakalalan
tended padi ields bring order to the rugged landscape, from Bario (or vice varsa). It is also possible to climb
and produce the fragrant and much sought-ater Bario Gunung Murud (2,424m, reasonable going) or Batu
rice. Both groups are branches of the Orang Ulu, and Lawi (2,043m, very tough), but these are both serious
live in large longhouses widely dispersed throughout expediions and guides and porters will need to be hired
the area. They are friendly, hospitable people and enjoy in Bario or Bakalalan. For Batu Lawi, mountaineering
receiving visitors. equipment and experience is also necessary.
84 85