Page 98 - Sarawak-Visitors-Guide-2014v1
P. 98 Band B-C. In a diferent class to
other local opions. NATIONAL PARKS
Mega Inn, Lot 153, Jln Muhibbah, Tel: 283888. Band B. Northern Sarawak’s naional parks feature a wide range
Merarap Hotspring Lodge, 2 hrs from Lawas, Tel: 012-
8792218, Band B-C. of natural habitats and contain some of the region’s
Return transport RM 300, shared by guests travelling leading visitor atracions. The naional parks listed
below are all open to visitors and ofer accommodaion,
together. reasonable ease of access, and useful visitor faciliies
Mexion Hotel, Lot 406, Jln Pantai, Tel: 284699. Band B. including well marked trekking trails. Four other
Million Hotel, Lot 157, Jln Muhibbah, Tel: 285020. Band B. Naional Parks - Gunung Buda, Bukit Tiban, Usun Apau
Sakura Inn, Lot 375, Jln Datuk Pengiran Hj Matussin, Tel: and Pulong Tau - are either not yet open to visitors, or
285054. Band B do not yet have visitor faciliies. However, trekkers using
Shangsan Hotel, Lot 235-236, Jln Trusan. Tel: 285522. the Headhunters Trail from Gunung Mulu to Limbang
Band B. town will pass through parts of Gunung Buda, and a
Soon Seng Hotel, Lot 346, Jln Punang, Tel: 283338. number of the Kelabit Highlands trails pass through
Band B. parts of Pulong Tau. For future developments, check
Eaing Out with Sarawak Forestry at
Entry Fees & Other Charges: See page 19. As a World
Chinese: The town abounds with tradiional cofee Heritage Site, Gunung Mulu Naional Park has its own
shops serving noodle and rice dishes for breakfast schedule of fees - see below.
and lunch. For dinner, the Soon Seng restaurant in Jln
Punang is a good choice, as is the bustling Good Corner Note: Unless otherwise speciied, telephone dialling
Seafood behind the Ngiu Kee department store. code is +6085 from overseas and 085 within Malaysia.
Malay: There is a good choice of Muslim food stalls GUNUNG MULU NATIONAL PARK
upstairs at the Central Market. Restoran Hajjah Laifah
(corner of Jln Pantai), the nearby Restoran Hj Narudin Introducion
and Al Amin behind the Shangsan Hotel ofer good
lunch bufets. Gunung Mulu is Sarawak’s largest naional park (544
sq km), and also Malaysia’s irst World Heritage Area,
Western: The Sugar Bun outlet on Jln Pantai ofers a status it was awarded in 2000. It is most famous
burgers and fries. Good cofee, cakes and snacks are for its limestone cave systems, including the world’s
available at the Intan Cake House, also on Jln Pantai. largest natural chamber (the Sarawak Chamber),
The Gaya Café at the Hotel Seri Malaysia is the best bet the world’s largest cave passage (Deer Cave) and the
for internaional cuisine. longest cave in Southeast Asia (Clearwater Cave).
The park’s main atracions are the four show caves,
Entertainment all readily accessible by wooden walkways and paths.
Other fascinaing sights and aciviies include; a bat
There are quite a few bars and karaoke lounges in town, observatory; a rainforest canopy skywalk; adventure
all of which feature hostesses anxious to consume caving trips to some of Mulu’s less accessible caves;
‘ladies drinks’. Drinkers not looking for female company the challenging Mulu Summit climb, the spectacular
are advised to keep to the cofee shops. Pinnacles trail, and the historic Headhunter’s trail
through remote rainforest scenery.
Travel Connecions Situated 100 km from the coast, the park is dominated
Air: MASWings operates regular DHC-6 Twin Oter by three mountains - Gunung Mulu (2,376m), Gunung
turboprop lights to Miri (4-6x daily), Bakalalan (1x Api (1,750m) and Gunung Benarat (1,585m). Gunung
Mulu is sandstone, whilst Gunung Api and Gunung
daily) and Kota Kinabalu (4x weekly) see Miri Travel Benarat are formed from limestone and therefore have
Connecions for full details.
Bus: There are 2x daily bus connecions to Beaufort (2 diferent geographical features. The summit of Gunung
Mulu is covered by moss forests and stunted montane
hrs, RM 15 and Kota Kinabalu (5 hrs, RM 30) in Sabah. A vegetaion, whilst razor-sharp limestone pinnacles,
passport is required to cross the Sarawk/Sabah border. some as high as 50 metres, are found on the upper
Boat: There is a daily express boat service to Limbang
(8 am, 2½ hrs, RM 30), a 5x weekly service to Labuan
(8 am, 2 hrs RM 30), and a daily service to Bandar Sri
Begawan (Brunei) (7.30am, 2 hrs, RM 30, returns at
Taxis: The taxi stand is next to the bus staion. Airport
taxi fare is probably the lowest in Malaysia at RM 6.
88 89
other local opions. NATIONAL PARKS
Mega Inn, Lot 153, Jln Muhibbah, Tel: 283888. Band B. Northern Sarawak’s naional parks feature a wide range
Merarap Hotspring Lodge, 2 hrs from Lawas, Tel: 012-
8792218, Band B-C. of natural habitats and contain some of the region’s
Return transport RM 300, shared by guests travelling leading visitor atracions. The naional parks listed
below are all open to visitors and ofer accommodaion,
together. reasonable ease of access, and useful visitor faciliies
Mexion Hotel, Lot 406, Jln Pantai, Tel: 284699. Band B. including well marked trekking trails. Four other
Million Hotel, Lot 157, Jln Muhibbah, Tel: 285020. Band B. Naional Parks - Gunung Buda, Bukit Tiban, Usun Apau
Sakura Inn, Lot 375, Jln Datuk Pengiran Hj Matussin, Tel: and Pulong Tau - are either not yet open to visitors, or
285054. Band B do not yet have visitor faciliies. However, trekkers using
Shangsan Hotel, Lot 235-236, Jln Trusan. Tel: 285522. the Headhunters Trail from Gunung Mulu to Limbang
Band B. town will pass through parts of Gunung Buda, and a
Soon Seng Hotel, Lot 346, Jln Punang, Tel: 283338. number of the Kelabit Highlands trails pass through
Band B. parts of Pulong Tau. For future developments, check
Eaing Out with Sarawak Forestry at
Entry Fees & Other Charges: See page 19. As a World
Chinese: The town abounds with tradiional cofee Heritage Site, Gunung Mulu Naional Park has its own
shops serving noodle and rice dishes for breakfast schedule of fees - see below.
and lunch. For dinner, the Soon Seng restaurant in Jln
Punang is a good choice, as is the bustling Good Corner Note: Unless otherwise speciied, telephone dialling
Seafood behind the Ngiu Kee department store. code is +6085 from overseas and 085 within Malaysia.
Malay: There is a good choice of Muslim food stalls GUNUNG MULU NATIONAL PARK
upstairs at the Central Market. Restoran Hajjah Laifah
(corner of Jln Pantai), the nearby Restoran Hj Narudin Introducion
and Al Amin behind the Shangsan Hotel ofer good
lunch bufets. Gunung Mulu is Sarawak’s largest naional park (544
sq km), and also Malaysia’s irst World Heritage Area,
Western: The Sugar Bun outlet on Jln Pantai ofers a status it was awarded in 2000. It is most famous
burgers and fries. Good cofee, cakes and snacks are for its limestone cave systems, including the world’s
available at the Intan Cake House, also on Jln Pantai. largest natural chamber (the Sarawak Chamber),
The Gaya Café at the Hotel Seri Malaysia is the best bet the world’s largest cave passage (Deer Cave) and the
for internaional cuisine. longest cave in Southeast Asia (Clearwater Cave).
The park’s main atracions are the four show caves,
Entertainment all readily accessible by wooden walkways and paths.
Other fascinaing sights and aciviies include; a bat
There are quite a few bars and karaoke lounges in town, observatory; a rainforest canopy skywalk; adventure
all of which feature hostesses anxious to consume caving trips to some of Mulu’s less accessible caves;
‘ladies drinks’. Drinkers not looking for female company the challenging Mulu Summit climb, the spectacular
are advised to keep to the cofee shops. Pinnacles trail, and the historic Headhunter’s trail
through remote rainforest scenery.
Travel Connecions Situated 100 km from the coast, the park is dominated
Air: MASWings operates regular DHC-6 Twin Oter by three mountains - Gunung Mulu (2,376m), Gunung
turboprop lights to Miri (4-6x daily), Bakalalan (1x Api (1,750m) and Gunung Benarat (1,585m). Gunung
Mulu is sandstone, whilst Gunung Api and Gunung
daily) and Kota Kinabalu (4x weekly) see Miri Travel Benarat are formed from limestone and therefore have
Connecions for full details.
Bus: There are 2x daily bus connecions to Beaufort (2 diferent geographical features. The summit of Gunung
Mulu is covered by moss forests and stunted montane
hrs, RM 15 and Kota Kinabalu (5 hrs, RM 30) in Sabah. A vegetaion, whilst razor-sharp limestone pinnacles,
passport is required to cross the Sarawk/Sabah border. some as high as 50 metres, are found on the upper
Boat: There is a daily express boat service to Limbang
(8 am, 2½ hrs, RM 30), a 5x weekly service to Labuan
(8 am, 2 hrs RM 30), and a daily service to Bandar Sri
Begawan (Brunei) (7.30am, 2 hrs, RM 30, returns at
Taxis: The taxi stand is next to the bus staion. Airport
taxi fare is probably the lowest in Malaysia at RM 6.
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