Page 99 - Sarawak-Visitors-Guide-2014v1
P. 99
slopes of Gunung Api. The park’s forest ecosystems along the Moonmilk Cave Trail (1 hr) or take a longboat
include peatswamp, heath, mixed dipterocarp, moss along the Melinau and Clearwater Rivers (RM 30
forest and montane vegetaion – home to thousands return). The boats usually make a short stop at the
of species of ferns, fungi, mosses and lowering Batu Bungan Penan Setlement, where Penan women
plants, including 170 species of orchid and 10 species operate a small crat market (closed Sundays) ofering
of pitcher plants, an impressive variety of mammals, a wide selecion of superb handicrats, including ratan
birds (including 8 species of hornbill), frogs, ish and mats, baskets, woodcarvings, jewellery and musical
insects. Mulu’s wildlife is oten heard but not seen, but instruments.
visitors are almost certain to encounter bats, switlets,
cave dwelling insects, snakes, lizards, tree frogs and an The entrance to the Wind Cave is situated above
abundance of beauiful buterlies. an ancient Berawan burial site. Inside, cool breezes
can be felt at narrow parts of the cave, and there is
Park Headquarters a spectacular chasm caused by a catastrophic roof
collapse to the let of the walkway. Further into the cave
Upon arrival visitors must register at the park oice (Tel: is a circular walkway leading through the King’s Room;
792300) and pay the park entrance fees (RM 30, valid this chamber contains one of the inest collecions of
for 5 days visitor. Guides and boats can also be booked calcite stalagmite (upward growing) and stalacite
here. A short walk from the Park Oice is the main (downward growing) formaions known to science. The
accommodaion building, which also ofers a canteen, formaions are carefully lit to bring out their bizarre and
a small shop selling souvenirs and basic essenials, and dramaic appearance.
an interesing and well designed Informaion Centre.
From the Wind Cave, a short walk along the river leads
to the Clearwater Cave. Formed by an underground
river which emerges near the cave mouth, it is
Southeast Asia’s longest cave passage at over 108km.
From the river, 200 steps lead to the cave mouth, which
has some superb dripping stalacites and two species
of bizarre one-leaved plants (Monophyllae pendula
and M. glauca). Inside the cave entrance are strange
spike-like formaions formed by bacterial acion, all
facing towards the cave entrance. As the bacteria are
dependent on sunlight, the formaions become smaller
and more delicate further into the cave.
Park Guides At the end of the walkway a bridge leads across the
subterranean river, where visitors can clearly see how
Visitors may not enter any of the caves or the Mulu the cave was sculpted by the force of rushing water.
Canopy Skywalk without a Park Guide. For most A skylight formed by a roof collapse and a great vault
trails, including the Mulu Summit climb, the Pinnacles formed by a loor collapse (in the adjacent Lady Cave)
trail and the Headhunter’s trail, a Park Guide is also are amongst the other unusual features of the cave
mandatory. Bookings and payment of fees can be made system. There is an excellent swimming area at the
ay the park oice. If you require a Park Guide you need cave entrance, with changing and picnic faciliies. Most
to book the day before. During peak season, guides for visitors stop here for a picnic lunch and a relaxing swim.
popular aciviies such as the Pinnacles trail may be fully
booked weeks in advance. The Turtle Cave is an alternaive exit route from the
Clearwater Cave. Visitors are led into the subterranean
Visiing the Show Caves blackness of the underground river, clambering over
sharp rocks and swimming with the river current to
Note: Visitors may only visit the show caves at ixed emerge into a crystal clear pool. A waterproof lashlight
imes, and only when accompanied by a park guide, and sturdy shoes are essenial. Must be booked in
in order to minimize human impact on the delicate advance.
rock formaions and cave ecosystems. A lashlight,
sturdy non-slip shoes, rainwear and insect repellent Deer and Langs Caves
are essenial, and a hat can be useful to protect from (half day, aternoons):
dripping bat guano. Flash photography and the use of Guided tours leave the
tripods and monopods are strictly forbidden, as are Park HQ daily at 2 and
smoking (except in designated areas) and litering. 2.30 pm (RM 20). A
3-km wooden walkway
Wind and Clearwater Caves (half-day, mornings): passes through peat
Meet the Park Guide at the Wind Cave entrance (09.45 swamp, alluvial lats
or 10.30, booking required, RM 20 per person). Walk and limestone outcrops
include peatswamp, heath, mixed dipterocarp, moss along the Melinau and Clearwater Rivers (RM 30
forest and montane vegetaion – home to thousands return). The boats usually make a short stop at the
of species of ferns, fungi, mosses and lowering Batu Bungan Penan Setlement, where Penan women
plants, including 170 species of orchid and 10 species operate a small crat market (closed Sundays) ofering
of pitcher plants, an impressive variety of mammals, a wide selecion of superb handicrats, including ratan
birds (including 8 species of hornbill), frogs, ish and mats, baskets, woodcarvings, jewellery and musical
insects. Mulu’s wildlife is oten heard but not seen, but instruments.
visitors are almost certain to encounter bats, switlets,
cave dwelling insects, snakes, lizards, tree frogs and an The entrance to the Wind Cave is situated above
abundance of beauiful buterlies. an ancient Berawan burial site. Inside, cool breezes
can be felt at narrow parts of the cave, and there is
Park Headquarters a spectacular chasm caused by a catastrophic roof
collapse to the let of the walkway. Further into the cave
Upon arrival visitors must register at the park oice (Tel: is a circular walkway leading through the King’s Room;
792300) and pay the park entrance fees (RM 30, valid this chamber contains one of the inest collecions of
for 5 days visitor. Guides and boats can also be booked calcite stalagmite (upward growing) and stalacite
here. A short walk from the Park Oice is the main (downward growing) formaions known to science. The
accommodaion building, which also ofers a canteen, formaions are carefully lit to bring out their bizarre and
a small shop selling souvenirs and basic essenials, and dramaic appearance.
an interesing and well designed Informaion Centre.
From the Wind Cave, a short walk along the river leads
to the Clearwater Cave. Formed by an underground
river which emerges near the cave mouth, it is
Southeast Asia’s longest cave passage at over 108km.
From the river, 200 steps lead to the cave mouth, which
has some superb dripping stalacites and two species
of bizarre one-leaved plants (Monophyllae pendula
and M. glauca). Inside the cave entrance are strange
spike-like formaions formed by bacterial acion, all
facing towards the cave entrance. As the bacteria are
dependent on sunlight, the formaions become smaller
and more delicate further into the cave.
Park Guides At the end of the walkway a bridge leads across the
subterranean river, where visitors can clearly see how
Visitors may not enter any of the caves or the Mulu the cave was sculpted by the force of rushing water.
Canopy Skywalk without a Park Guide. For most A skylight formed by a roof collapse and a great vault
trails, including the Mulu Summit climb, the Pinnacles formed by a loor collapse (in the adjacent Lady Cave)
trail and the Headhunter’s trail, a Park Guide is also are amongst the other unusual features of the cave
mandatory. Bookings and payment of fees can be made system. There is an excellent swimming area at the
ay the park oice. If you require a Park Guide you need cave entrance, with changing and picnic faciliies. Most
to book the day before. During peak season, guides for visitors stop here for a picnic lunch and a relaxing swim.
popular aciviies such as the Pinnacles trail may be fully
booked weeks in advance. The Turtle Cave is an alternaive exit route from the
Clearwater Cave. Visitors are led into the subterranean
Visiing the Show Caves blackness of the underground river, clambering over
sharp rocks and swimming with the river current to
Note: Visitors may only visit the show caves at ixed emerge into a crystal clear pool. A waterproof lashlight
imes, and only when accompanied by a park guide, and sturdy shoes are essenial. Must be booked in
in order to minimize human impact on the delicate advance.
rock formaions and cave ecosystems. A lashlight,
sturdy non-slip shoes, rainwear and insect repellent Deer and Langs Caves
are essenial, and a hat can be useful to protect from (half day, aternoons):
dripping bat guano. Flash photography and the use of Guided tours leave the
tripods and monopods are strictly forbidden, as are Park HQ daily at 2 and
smoking (except in designated areas) and litering. 2.30 pm (RM 20). A
3-km wooden walkway
Wind and Clearwater Caves (half-day, mornings): passes through peat
Meet the Park Guide at the Wind Cave entrance (09.45 swamp, alluvial lats
or 10.30, booking required, RM 20 per person). Walk and limestone outcrops